"The Green That Got Away”

About money being thrown in the trash title -"The Green That Got Away”

A cautionary tale about financial negligence. 

Once upon a time, there was a small town situated in a quiet countryside. It was an ordinary, peaceful town that saw few visitors. However, it did have a grand old hotel with many workers and an ever so helpful houseboy who cleaned up after all the guests and took care of any odd jobs that came up.

 One particular morning, the houseboy was busy in the hotel’s front office, tidying up and straightening out papers that were all over the desk. Unfortunately, he failed to notice a pile of payroll checks that were mixed in with all the other paperwork and, in his attempt to clean off the desk, he mistakenly threw them away.

 It wasn't long before the other workers at the hotel after their shifts were over had became aware of this costly mistake and soon tempers were flaring. Some of the employees were so angry that they wanted to get revenge by fighting the houseboy for throwing away the checks. 

 Fortunately, the hotel owner was understanding and intervened. He was sympathetic to the houseboy's mistake and decided to resolve the issue by ordering a new batch of payroll checks and having them sent out to all the employees by express mail the following day and stated direct deposit the same day. 

 The employees were relieved to have their paychecks again and soon everyone settled down and the atmosphere at the hotel was restored. As for the houseboy, the incident was a hard lesson to learn, and a reminder of the importance of taking a bit of extra care and attention when it came to cleaning and sorting through the hotel’s paperwork.

Wellington 3 Publishing

Wellington 3 Publishing presents Wellington’s Short Story Collection and Wellington Best Stories Writing is truly a labor of love for us at Wellington 3 Publishing where we take great pleasure in being able to create meaningful stories and to have them published. Wellington 3 Publishing is looking forward to sharing more of our works with the world in the coming years.


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