Hotel Drama

"Hotel Drama: Showdown Between Clerk and Guest"

 Showdown Between Clerk and Guest

Ruth, an older woman, had come to the hotel desperate for a room to rent. She was down on her luck and all she wanted was a safe place to rest her head. The front desk clerk, while usually polite and professional, was in an especially foul mood that day and took her money without looking her in the eyes. He gave her the key card to a small room on the first floor, making sure she paid the required deposit before he granted her the stay.

 When Ruth checked out a few days later, she noticed that the desk clerk had charged her more than he should have for the rental. Feeling a bit betrayed, she went to the manager to complain, but the manager seemed uninterested like she was in on to. The next day, Ruth went back and got a detailed explanation of the extra fees she was charged and soon discovered that the desk clerk had overcharged her. In an effort to cover up his crime, he had also pocketed her deposit and the payment he applied it to was his own personal light bill. 

 When Ruth realized what was going on, she contacted the local police and reported the crime. An investigation was conducted, which ultimately traced the light bill payment back to the desk clerk at the hotel. He was arrested for fraud and, luckily for Ruth, her stolen money was returned to her. 

 Ruth felt thankful that the law was able to get to the bottom of the situation and punish the clerk for taking advantage of her situation. After all, she was just trying to get by and she was thankful that justice was served.

Wellington 3 Publishing

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