"Sharing the Inheritance”


"Sharing the Inheritance: A Battle for Justice"

A Battle for Justice

 My Aunt Clarissa had recently passed away and the entire family was feeling the loss of such an incredible woman. She had left behind three grandchildren and to each of them, she had left them $20,000 dollars each as a token of her love and support. 

The money should have brought them all joy and security, however, this wasn't the case for all of them. One of Aunt Clarissa sons had heard about the money his mother had left for the grandchildren and wanted it for himself. In his desperate need for cash, he came up with a scheme to take his daughter and the other two to court for the $20,000 inheritance his mother left for her three grandchildren. 

"Sharing the Inheritance: A Battle for Justice"


Luckily, Aunt Clarissa had appointed an executor for her estate. This person would oversee the division of her money and ensure it was given fairly and equally to each grandchild. The executor explained to the court that Aunt Clarissa had put careful consideration into the division of her money and each grandchild deserved their full inheritance. 

The court saw the fairness of the decision and sided with the executor, awarding the full $20,000 dollars to each of the grandchildren. This ensured that Aunt Clarissa's legacy would be preserved and her love and generosity could continue to be felt through the money she had left to her grandchildren.

Wellington 3 Publishing

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