The $3,476.65 Heist: A Thief in the Night


Hotel manager stole money title-“The 3,476.65 Heist: A Thief in the Night”

It was a quiet Friday night at the hotel, and the manager was expecting it to stay that way until closing time. However, that was not the case when a mysterious stranger appeared. He was tall and well-dressed, and seemed to have a certain charm about him that the manager couldn't help but be drawn to.

Despite being told that it was against the rules for her to date a guest, the manager decided to take a chance and went on a date with the guest. They laughed, shared stories, and had a good time, but the night came to a sudden and shocking end when the man revealed his true intentions.

With lightning speed, he took something out his pocket and putted in her drink causing her to slowly pass out. When she woke up, she was hogtied, gagged, and lying on the bed at the hotel. All her purse items, including her keys to her house, car, and the hotel, had been taken.

He had managed to get away with over $3,476.65 of the hotel's money, plus whatever was in the manager's safe. He managed to leave her house keys and just took car. As he drove away into the night, the manager never saw or heard from him again. 

On Monday morning, the hotel manager wasn’t at work she was reported missing Saturday afternoon by her family. It was getting close to the end of the work day. The last room on the housekeeper  clipboard she discovered the manager unconscious in the hotel room lying on bed and she quickly called 911. After a visit to the hospital and a few tests, she was discharged and allowed to go home, still shaken and bewildered by what had occurred.

The experience served as a valuable lesson, teaching the manager to never mix business with pleasure and letting her guard down in the presence of a seemingly respectable stranger.

Wellington 3 Publishing

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