“Wipe out in the bathroom”

“Wipe out in the bathroom”

The new guest at the hotel was already becoming a bit of a nuisance. He had arrived late in the evening, ranting and raving about how his trip had been interrupted, and now he was here. He'd even managed to insult the doorman on the way in, muttering something about how he could barely open the door and could probably do a better job.

But it was in the morning, after he'd taken a shower, that the man truly caused a stir. When he opened his hotel door and stumbled into the hallway wit just a towel wrapped around his waist,  he declared loudly that the tub had been far too slippery, and that he was now covered in bruises. 

The staff couldn't help but look at one another and laugh. The tub was made to be slippery after taking a shower; it was, after all, wet. Still, they tried to be polite and did their best to console him. They said they'd take a look and make sure there weren't any hazardous conditions in the bathroom, but they knew it would do no good.

The guest continued to grumble, so eventually the staff resorted to asking him to please return to his room, where he would be more comfortable.

Finally, the man left with a huff, leaving behind him a flurry of mumbles about how a hotel should know better than to provide slippery bathtubs for their guests. As the staff shook their heads, one of them simply remarked, "Slippery Pete”!

Wellington 3 Publishing

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