The Unintentional Intruder


The Unintentional Intruder

Once upon a time in a quiet little house nestled at the end of a narrow street, lived a young couple named Jack and Emily. They were blissfully married, except for one little predicament - Jack's eccentric mother-in-law, Angela, had developed a ridiculous habit of wandering into their bedroom at any time without any warning.

At first, Jack and Emily shrugged it off, considering it an innocent intrusion of privacy. But as Angela's visits became more frequent, their frustration began to mount. It seemed as if no matter what they tried, his dear old mother-in-law couldn't resist exploring their sacred sanctuary even while they were gone. 

One day, driven to the edge of their patience, Jack decided to take matters into his own hands. He headed to the local hardware store and purchased a deadbolt lock for their bedroom door. As he swiftly installed the lock, Jack could already envision the peace and privacy it would bring to their lives.

When Angela noticed the shiny new addition, her curiosity got the better of her. With a perplexed expression on her face, she said, "Why did you put a lock on the door, Jack?"

But Jack, rather than answering directly, paused and pondered his response. He didn't want to hurt Angela's feelings, as she had always been a kind and caring woman. So, he devised a plan to not only resolve the issue but also teach her a valuable lesson.

With a mischievous grin, Jack turned to his wife and whispered, "Emily, I have an amazing idea. The next time Angela tries to barge into our room, I'll be waiting, completely naked!"

Emily's eyes widened in surprise as she understood the essence of her husband's masterplan. They shared a silent agreement, anticipating Angela's inevitable curiosity.

Days passed, and Jack's plan was set in motion. It was late in the afternoon when Angela, drawn by the mysterious lock, decided to test her daughter's patience. Like any other day she approached the bedroom door. 

 Angela reached for the doorknob, turned it, and pushed the door open. And to her utter shock, there Jack in bed, laying boldly with confidence standing tall with a bow tie around his neck smiling. He wink his eye mischievously as he held his pose, leaving Angela absolutely stunned.

She said, "Oh my!" Jack “Oh my!” and slowly closing the door shut, she started unbuttoning her blouse telling I knew you felt the vibe between us. I’m about to give you a time of your life. That’s when the realization dawned upon Jack. 

Jack: Oh! Heck No! I DON’T  WANNA SEE WINKLEVILLE. Emily help!!

It seems like invading their bedroom had gone left it went from harmless intruding without warning from Angela to Jack becoming a piece of meat. Angela vowed to Jack and herself that she would never speak of this to anyone. 

From that day forward, Angela would peek her head in there bedroom hoping to catch Jack naked. But later on she became the epitome of privacy, respecting the boundaries set by her loving daughter and son-in-law. The once-intrusive habit of entering their bedroom slowly vanished completely, replaced by a newfound understanding of personal space and the value of privacy.

Wellington 3 Publishing

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