The Ghost Worker


The Ghost Worker

The employees at Hillman Manufacturing had always thought their manager, Jack, was a stand-up guy. He was always fair in his dealings with them and seemed to genuinely care about their welfare. So it came as a complete shock when they found out he had been pocketing their wages by creating a fake employee.

It all started when Jack realized that there was some extra money in the company budget. He began to wonder how he could get his hands on it without raising suspicion. That's when he came up with the idea of creating a fake employee. He figured that if he created a fictitious employee and added them to the payroll, he could pocket their wages without anyone noticing.

So Jack created a fake name, address, and social security number and added the employee to the payroll. He then set up a bank account in the fake employee's name and started transferring their wages into the account. And it worked like a charm. For months, Jack siphoned off the wages of this imaginary employee, raking in over $20,000.

But all good things must come to an end. One day, a new HR manager joined the company and noticed something strange about the payroll. They noticed that one employee, who had never been seen or heard from, was being paid an unusual amount of money. They decided to investigate, and it wasn't long before they discovered Jack's scam.

When Jack was confronted, he tried to deny it at first. But when presented with the evidence, he had no choice but to confess. He was fired immediately and had to repay the $20,000 he had pocketed.

In the end, Jack's greed had gotten the better of him. His colleagues were disappointed in him, and he had lost the respect and trust of everyone he worked with. As for the imaginary employee, they had a pretty good life for a while. But ultimately, they faded into obscurity, becoming nothing more than a footnote in a story of greed and deception.

Wellington 3 Publishing

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