How That One Quarter Changed Everything


Great grandmother her son and great grandson at the casino

 Jason was excited to go with his Uncle Charlie and great grandmother to take his great uncle Ray to the airport in New Orleans. After saying goodbye to Uncle Ray. Uncle Charlie decided to take a tour of downtown New Orleans. As they drove by the casino, Jason was feeling a little bit down he had been laid off from work and it was the holiday season. Jason was thinking how he was going to be able to buy gifts for his family. 


 Uncle Charlie asked our great grandmother did she wanted to go inside the casino to see how good her luck was?  She replied “That’s was the whole reason for coming down here baby after we dropped your uncle off at the airport”.  As they entered the casino Jason great grandmother saw the look in his eyes, and without saying a word she took out a quarter from her purse and handed it to him. Jason was saying in his head a quarter that’s it, he said thanks and took the quarter. 

 He walked around the casino looking for a game to play and approached a machine that was by his great grandmother, Jason put the quarter in the machine. As the wheel started to spin, it had eventually stopped, landing on three clowns of the same kind in a single row. Jason looked and turned and walked away from the machine as if he lost the quarter that his great grandmother gave him. Jason walked over by his great grandmother she asked him did you win?. Jason replied “it didn’t pay off but thanks again for the quarter”. 

As Jason looks back down to the machine he was playing on and seen a flashing light on top of the machine he was playing and walked up to the machine. He starts reading the menu on top of the machine to see what three clowns alike in a row stood for.  Jason eyes widening then he sat down in the chair heart beating fast. He hit the jackpot and didn’t even know it. Luckily no one else walked up and claimed it since he wasn’t by it. The casino employee walked over to the machine and said “you won $1,300 hundred dollars sir. Jason was stunned that he won that much money with a quarter. His great grandmother knew he was going to win. Jason's heart filled with joy as he had hit the jackpot just in time for Christmas. 

It was like a dream come true after being laid off work and Christmas was a week away. He couldn't wait to get home to get his family something nice for Christmas with his newfound winnings. Sadly, two days later Jason great grandmother passed away of old age, leaving him and the rest of the family all in deep sorrow. 

 But still, to this day, Jason has a constant reminder of the magical moments that he shared with his beloved great grandmother. On Christmas as he looks at the gifts he brought for his family for Christmas, he remembers that amazing day in New Orleans with his Uncle Charlie, Uncle Ray and most of all, his great grandmother.

Wellington 3 Publishing

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