Lost But Not Forgotten

As November fourteenth two thousand twenty three looms, our hearts beat heavier, recalling a soul taken too soon. Your love embraced him in that profound moment a few years back, liberating him from earthly worries into your eternal haven. Yet we miss him dearly, the empty chair around his family table is a glaring reminder of his absent laughter, his insightful counsel, his comforting presence. We've lit a candle and releasing balloons for him today, in honor of his birthday, the glow is like the warm beacon he was in our lives.

Balloons, balloon release-Lost But Not Forgotten

His son, our young beacon of hope and legacy of our cherished departed, continues to flourish, guided by his father's unseen yet profound influence. The boy has developed a passion for high school football. It warms our hearts to see him dart across the field, charging ahead with purposeful resilience. Each successful touchdown, each faltering step, each dusted off failure is an echo of his father’s spirit; his passion, his endurance, his undying determination. It's through him, our beloved departed lives on.

A quiet prayer rises from the depths of our longing souls every day, every night. In silent whispers, loud wails, spontaneous chuckles reminiscing old jokes. It dances in the words unsaid, lingering on our tongues, reverberating in our hearts. The memories do not hurt; instead, they make you smile providing comfort like a thick, cozy blanket in the dead of the winter night. Each tear that trickles down carries your memories and is met with a soothing caress, reminding us of your endless love, forever interwoven into the fabric of our lives.

We lay our prayers unto thee. Grant us the serenity to accept his earthly departure and the strength to celebrate his heavenly life.


Rest In Peace 


Wellington 3 Publishing

Wellington 3 Publishing presents Wellington’s Short Story Collection and Wellington Best Stories Writing is truly a labor of love for us at Wellington 3 Publishing where we take great pleasure in being able to create meaningful stories and to have them published. Wellington 3 Publishing is looking forward to sharing more of our works with the world in the coming years.

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