Part 1: The Maintenance Man Chronicles


Coffee cup silver cup

Caffeine in the Drunken Haze 

Once upon a time, in the city that never sleeps, a man named Jeremiah stood on the sidewalk, facing the grand hotel that had been his job for years. An intriguing air of dignity and obsession clung to him, and in his eyes shimmered an anxiety of loss. Jeremiah, a lifelong coffee and liquor enthusiast, had lost his beloved silver coffee cup.

The silver cup, dappled with marks of use and a sturdy handle warmed by his touch, had been his constant companion throughout the numerous ups and downs of his life. But, one gloomy afternoon, Jeremiah discovered it missing from its usual place in the hotel maintenance shop. The loss seemed to cloud his sanity as he went from room to room, looking under chairs, behind sofas, and inside closets, desperate for any hint of its presence.

Growing desperate, he took his case to his manager. Unconvinced by their solemn claims of ignorance, he visited the hotel's renovation manager who was directing a complete makeover of several rooms. The sight of the gutted rooms and upturned furniture fueled his fears even more, but he steeled himself and approached the burly manager.

Clearing his throat, Jeremiah, slightly hesitated and finally said, My coffee cup seems to have vanished. It's made of silver and holds more sentimental value than anything else I own. I don't want to sound accusatory, but I'm left with no option. Look I don’t speak y’all language could you please ask your guys if they've seen my silver coffee cup in the maintenance shop?

The renovation manager, his brows knit in exasperation, turned towards Jeremiah and shot him a fierce look. We haven't come across your silver liquor  cup that you disguised as coffee cup. This isn't a treasure hunt; we are professionals and here to work. Please leave us alone!

He was determined not to be defeated, Jeremiah looked up at the renovation manager  what leave you alone. Well stay out of my maintenance shop. You should have your own tools how you gonna do renovations and don’t have the correct tools to work with? 

Renovations manger: You pushing it amigo just leave it alone. 

Jeremiah walks up to confront the renovation manager. 

Jeremiah: I’m not no amigo. You and your men better stay out of maintenance shop amigo. 

After being broken up by hotel staff Jeremiah turned around, heading back to the hotel maintenance shop, his heart pounding in an inconsolable despair. Despite his continual efforts, enquires to staff, and numerous late-night expeditions around the hotel, the beloved silver coffee cup was never found. 

To this day, amidst the grandeur and old-world charm of the hotel, tales of the lost silver coffee cup and the man who tirelessly searched for it add to its charm, a treasure chest of its timeless tales, tucked away safely within its storied walls.

Wellington 3 Publishing

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