Feb. 14 No-Fly Zone

There's always an unofficial protocol around this time of year, not just for Valentine's Day, but for the two days that around it; February 13 and February 15, better known to some as the days of the side person.

Drew Simmons had been what you might call a side man for about a year now, entwined with a married woman, Clara Robins. Their affair had its highs and lows but there were some non-negotiables, and this was one of them: On Valentine's Day, he couldn't pass by Clara's house, much less honk his horn as a signal. Clara had made it explicitly clear from the get-go: February 14 belonged solely to her husband. But, the days before and after? They were reserved exclusively for Drew.

One sunny February 13th, Drew pulled up to meet Clara's at her friend place. She was a sight for sore eyes, all smiles, warm, and welcoming. They spent the day in a whirl of romantic celebration that could compete with any Valentine's Day. It wasn't about expensive gifts or grand gestures; it was about stolen moments of passion and connection, small gestures of love hidden away from the public eye. 

No culprit- Feb. 14 No-Fly Zone

On February 15, as dawn broke, Drew would make his return. This was his official Valentine's Day with Clara, an oasis of love in the routine of secrecy they were so accustomed to. Their tradition: cooking dinner together, sharing stories, exchanging modest gifts and, most importantly, treasuring the shared, unhurried moments they could spend together.

On the other side of town, Melanie - a single mom working two jobs - had found comfort in the arms of the unavailable Adam. This wasn't what she had wanted or asked for, but love wasn't something that knocked on your door with a plan. It was messy and confusing and somehow, it had found her.

Like Drew and Clara, February 14th was off-limits. But the bookends to this iconic date had been crafted into their private celebration. February 13, a picnic under the stars, an homage to the first time they'd confessed their love for each other. And then came February 15, their unconventional Valentine's Day: small, shared smiles over breakfast in a corner café before parting ways.

February 13 and 15. These were their secret Valentine's Days, overloaded with as much, if not more, love, excitement and desire than the actual day celebrated around the world. But they couldn't afford the luxuries of the public declaration of love. The secret hearts, their 'unconventional Valentines', honored their love on those days instead.

It's a weird twist of love, but then, love is never meant to be simple, is it? All these unconventional relationships asked for, through this unique PSA from Wellington’s Publishing, was to let these 'side people' have their love day undisturbed on the 13th and 15th. So remember, don’t be going by their house on February 14th. The warning has been given, now have a wonderful day!

Wellington 3 Publishing

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