Judge, I Object! To Showing Up

 It was a beautiful spring day, and Marty Robertson was cruising down the highway, air condition on low, blasting his favorite country tunes. He was feeling pretty good about life until he glanced in the rearview mirror and saw the flashing lights from the state highway patrol. 

Man, FaceTime, Judge, I Object! To Showing Up

After getting a summons for failing to appear in court, Marty figured he'd better show up this time. As he pulled out his driveway he pulled out his phone to make a phone call. He decided to FaceTime the courthouse. Yes this Mr. Robertson and would like to speak Judge McCray please. The receptionist laughed and transferred his call to the courtroom. 

"Mr. Robertson, you were ordered to be in court today. Looks like you driving right now are you heading this way to court?" Judge McCray's stern voice crackled through the speakers.

"Yeah, judge, I'm actually pulling into my doctor's office right now," Marty fibbed. "I was just checking in. You can email me how much my bail will be when I turn myself in, and I'll let you know how my colonoscopy went. Bye!" He quickly hung up before the judge could respond.

There was a stunned silence in the courtroom before Judge McCray turned to his clerk. "Did he just hang up on me in the middle of a court proceeding?"

The clerk nodded, trying to not to laugh.

"Well, send that Mr. Robertson an email in bold letters and all caps," the judge fumed. "BENCH WARRANT HAS BEEN ISSUED FOR NOT APPEARING IN COURT AND 90 DAYS WITH NO BAIL. From your local judge, Cleophus McCray."

As Mr. Robertson sat in his truck eating on a burger, his phone dinged with the ominous email. He read the message and nearly choked on his fries.

"Aw, shucks," he yelled. "Should've just shown up to court like a good ol' boy."​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​

Wellington’s 3 Publishing’s

Wellington’s 3 Publishing’s presents Wellington’s Short Story Collection and Wellington Best Stories Writing is truly a labor of love for us at Wellington’s 3 Publishing’s where we take great pleasure in being able to create meaningful stories and to have them published. Wellington’s 3 Publishing’s is looking forward to sharing more of our works with the world in the coming years.

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