The Broken Promises

 I Came, I Saw, I Changed Diapers (Then I Left)

Dad washing dishes talking to his wife and daughter

Brent's mouth dropped as Shantell broke the news. Pregnant. His mind wondering after all these years, imagining how a baby would derail his plans.

"We can't do this now," he said. "It's not the right time. You should get..."

He couldn't finish the sentence, but Shantell knew what he was saying. You can hear the pain in her voice through the phone. "I'm keeping it," she said and hangs up the phone. 

Months passed. Despite what he said earlier, Brent found himself stepping up and being there for Shantell and the baby. When their daughter arrived. 

Holding his child, Brent's world shifted. He  focused on being the best by Shantell and their baby, no matter what.

A year flew by. Hot winter afternoon, Shantell is in the bathroom taking a shower. Brent hears water running in his sleep and gets up to use bathroom. 

Shantell: "Good morning Brent?”

Brent: “Good morning beautiful”

Shantell: "I'm pregnant again."

Brent peed all around the toilet on the floor and wall with a smile on his face that quickly turned to a frown then blank. 

Brent's smile quickly turned into a frown. "How? Why? It's like déjà vu," he mumbled, still in shock from the first pregnancy.

But it was business as usual, Brent stepped up and wasn’t going to mess things up like he did in his previous relationship. He owed it to himself to be a father and the man of the house. He would wake up for those midnight feedings, changing diapers, and still managed to hold down his job.

At home, work away from work Brent would cook and made sure it was ready before everyone returns home from work and school. He wanted to be the best father and supportive to Shantell.

"You don't have to do anything I’ll bring your food to you," he told Shantell, encouraging her to rest. "I've got this."

Brent believing all he did and doing would be enough. He thought it would’ve been  just me and her forever she said. 

Yet, as he crawled into bed each night exhausted. Despite all his hard work and dedication. He couldn't shake that feeling, in ways that she understand. All you get is those famous three words every night before you turnover and go to sleep is “Don’t Touch Me”.  

Wellington 3 Publishing

Wellington 3 Publishing presents Wellington’s Short Story Collection and Wellington Best Stories Writing is truly a labor of love for us at Wellington 3 Publishing where we take great pleasure in being able to create meaningful stories and to have them published. Wellington 3 Publishing is looking forward to sharing more of our works with the world in the coming years.

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