Old Flames part II

Man and woman lying in their beds texting each other

 The next morning, Marcus woke up early, their texts still playing in his mind. He reached for his phone, hesitating only briefly before texting: "Gm beautiful"

He was surprised to see how fast her response was like came immediately: "Gm 😊"

"What you got planned on your day off?" he asked, trying to keep his tone casual despite the anticipation building inside him.

"Just running some errands, going to the bank, grocery shopping... the usual boring stuff," she replied.

Marcus stared at her message, memories of their past encounters flooding his mind. The way she used to look at him across the room at neighborhood gatherings, the electricity in their casual touches, the chemistry that had always simmered just below the surface. "I could do some things to you," he thought to himself, a smile playing on his lips as he remembered their passionate moments from back in the day.

He typed and deleted several messages, don’t want to come off desperate considering their history together. Finally, he texted her: "Maybe I could help make your day a little less boring? Lunch after your errands?"

The three dots appeared, disappeared, then appeared again. Marcus held his breath, waiting to see if their past chemistry would translate into a present opportunity...

To be continued……….

Wellington 3 Publishing

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