Laundry Day Surprise

Stuffed animals-Laundry Day Surprise

Me and my good friend Dave was chilling just having casual conversation and he told me one day he was doing his usual laundry duties, his 13-year-old son, Jimmy had left some clothes in the dryer clothes. As he made his way upstairs, he didn't realize the horrific scene that was about to unfold.

As he opened the door to Jimmy's room, intending to drop the fresh pile of clean clothes onto his son's bed, he stopped dead in his tracks. Staring back at him was an odd assembly of old stuffed animals, laid out on the bed, all with holes in the same area.  They were not random toys, but his son's precious toys from his childhood - now appearing to be the victims of an apparent, savage attack!

Now, Dave wasn't an easily alarmed man. He had seen Jimmy grow through many stages and obsessions. But this...this was unusual! At first, he figured maybe Jimmy's mischievous little friend Billy might be the culprit. But then, upon closer examination, Dave made another discovery. Several of the abused toys had hard spots where the stuffing used to be.

Curious, he poked one,  just to be sure he wasn't imagining it. Yep, they were definitely hard and solid, just where the holes were. The reality started sinking in: Jimmy, his baby boy, might actually be the culprit. But why would he do such a thing to his beloved stuffed toys? 

Filled with parental confusion and curiosity, Dave decided to do the only reasonable thing he could think of – wait for Jimmy to come home from school and confront him. And when Jimmy returned, his face changed from surprised to bashful as he saw his beloved stuffed toys spread across the bed. What's up with your toys, son? Dave asked, his eyebrow arched. 

There was a pause. Then, out came the words. Jimmy said he was stuffing the animals with marbles for a school science project. It was his task to investigate which objects sink or float. It turned out the mysterious holes and hard spots was from a pre-teen with out of control hormones not some marble science experiment.

In the end, Dave couldn’t do nothing but laugh and go with what his son was saying about his science project and knew all along what was being done to the stuff animals.

Wellington 3 Publishing

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