Miranda, a twenty-something young woman with an eventful life in bustling New York City, was feeling the gentle pressure of traditional values in her chest, compelling her to visit her family for the weekend. For the very first time, she had forgotten to check the essentials in her usual routine to catch her train.
Once she arrived in the sleepy hamlet of country, her seventy-eight-year-old, highly-spirited grandmother greeted her at the old family house, eager to engage in heartwarming conversation and traditional home-cooked meals.
Saturday morning came along as bright and shiny as an optimist's outlook. However, as Miranda went about the motions of unpacking her things, her blood froze. In the usual compartment of personal assets was her somewhat 'innovative' and mischievous toy – a gag gift given by her friends at her recent bachelorette party. With adrenaline surging in her veins, she pondered over the ways to discreetly hide the toy, ideally without it coming to the notice of her nosey grandmother.
Unfortunately, fate played its funny tricks, and before she could retrieve it, her ever-curious granny stumbled upon the unconventional 'toy', taking it as a Christmas gift, and used the rosé looking device for a table ornament.
Christmas came around. Family members huddled in joyous chatter and echoed laughs, unaware of the rose looking device a centerpiece of the dinner table. Glowing with pride, Granny paraded the table ornament for all to admire. While some looked with confusion and the young ones praised its eccentricity, no one dared to question. They continued their feast, commenting on Granny’s table decor and laughing at the fact that she doesn’t know what it is.
Uncle #1: I wonder who left there toy out for mom to pickup on thinking it’s table ornament or something.
Aunt #1: I don’t know but after dinner you won’t see it no more.
Uncle #1: You don’t know where that thing been.
Aunt #1: What you mean. You know momma clean it real good before putting it on the table.
Then all of a sudden they started to hear noise like someone phone was vibrating.
Grandson: This thing on the table is moving.
Aunt #1: Oh, lord
As the dinner proceeded, Miranda gulped her drink down and chuckled nervously at the unfolding situation. Keeping her composure, she only looked forward to the end of this deliciously humiliating experience. At the same time, she promised herself to pack more carefully and double-check her belongings before every trip.
Later, under the gaze of twinkling stars, Miranda couldn't help but break into tears of laughter over the hilarity of the situation. While she had come for a quiet weekend visit, she left with an unforgettable story to share with her friends. It was the weekend she learnt that amidst the laughter, cheek flushes and her 'table ornament' disaster, it wasn’t just about escaping the busy city; by the way the table ornament did came up missing. But it wasn’t just about the table ornament it was about finding joy in the randomness of life’s situations and gathering new memories along the way. After all, isn't life just one absurd comedy sketch after another?