Cavity of Secrets

False teeth-Cavity of Secrets

Dusk blanketed the quiet hospital where Amanda, a dedicated night-shift nurse, served with all her heart. A part of the job she had loved for the last ten years was walking down them long hallways , each stride reverberating against the monotonous symphony of medical equipment and loud television noises. As an experienced nurse, Amanda was no stranger to various peculiar sounds echoing within the hospital halls. But tonight was different; an unsettling noise stood out amongst the background rhythm of a different sound. 

Every time she passed Room 314, the peculiar sound from that room, enough to alert her instincts. The sounds resembled a horse galloping. Initially, she brushed it off as just another ordinary sound, but its recurring persistence made it impossible for her to ignore.

Curiosity fueled by worry made her stop outside Room 314. Looking through the narrow glass panel of the door, Amanda scanned the room with a little glow from the hallway lighting. The patient in the room, Mr. Jenkins, an old gentleman recovering from a hip replacement surgery, was peacefully sleeping in his bed.

Baffled, she pushed the door open slightly, stepping softly into the room, and the galloping noise became louder. There was Mr. Jenkins, indeed asleep, but the strange noise was coming from him. Amanda soon discovered that Mr. Jenkins had false teeth and every time he breathes in and out his teeth does the same thing goes in and out. He was lost in deep slumber, blissfully oblivious of the teeth-chattering like pac-man on horse galloping the type of sound he was producing.

Quickly grabbing her small flashlight, she moved towards him, checking his vitals, confirming everything was alright, other than his dental distress. His vitals remained stable; nothing seemed out of the ordinary, apart from the eerie noise that shattered the silence of the night. As a gesture of warmth and care, she draped an extra blanket over him, praying silently for him to overcome this habit for the sake of his dental health and her peacefulness during her nightly hallway strolls.

Even as she stepped back out into the hallway, the teeth-clacking horse galloping noises continued in harmony with the rhythmic beats of the hospital, creating an unexpected symphony. Amanda found solace knowing her patient was safe. However, she also resolved to mention the occurrence to Mr. Jenkins' primary doctor to prevent possible harm to his teeth.

After all, it was not just about healing their immediate pains; it was also about the meticulous observation and care of small nuances that shaped a nurse's dedication. Despite the chill of the night, Amanda couldn't help but smile, striding confidently down the hospital hallway. The repetitive teeth clacking of Room 314 now became just another nightly routine, a quirk she associated with her cherished job. And like a true night-shift soldier, she moved onto the next room, ready to attend to her duty.

Wellington 3 Publishing

Wellington 3 Publishing presents Wellington’s Short Story Collection and Wellington Best Stories Writing is truly a labor of love for us at Wellington 3 Publishing where we take great pleasure in being able to create meaningful stories and to have them published. Wellington 3 Publishing is looking forward to sharing more of our works with the world in the coming years.


  1. Anonymous1/07/2024

    This was hilariously funny 😂😂🤣🤣🫶🏽

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