She Loves Me, She Loves Me Write

Writer-She Loves Me, She Loves Me Write

Steven, a young man of twenty-five, had a dream: to become an accomplished writer. He possessed the imagination, the passion, and the talent, yet something always kept interrupting his process of weaving stories – something which he valued just as much as his craft: his girlfriend, Erica.

They had been dating for three years, and they were just as much in love now as they were in the beginning. Steven had moved in with Erica a few months back and had set up a small workspace for his writing in the living room, an antique oak desk with his laptop, some reference books and, always a steaming cup of coffee.

Each day Steven would sit down to work, focusing his creative energy onto the blank screen of his laptop, attempting to breathe life into his characters. But as usual, he was interrupted in mid sentence.

Baby, could you scratch my back, lower, lower yeah right there? Erica would exhale, looking over his shoulder at the monitor with a sweet, helpless smile on her face.

Slightly irritated yet fond, Steven would abandon his paragraph to cater to his girlfriend's needs. Once that was over, he’d resume his writing, diving into his story world.

Just like clockwork, another interruption would ensue. Baby, can you turn on the heater? Erica would call from the other room, shivering and shaking. Steven ignored her needs and a few minutes later he can hear her slippers clacking down the hallway with her saying. “Are you trying to freeze me baby.”

Although her constant requests annoyed him to no end, Steven never turned her down but that one time. Erica was his first love, and he genuinely cared for her comfort.

The water in the tub one was his least favorite. Baby, I know you're writing, but could you turn on the water in the tub for me, please? 

Right, so you want me to work or serve you? he would replied, trying to keep his tone light. Erica would giggle at his exasperated response and flutter her eyelashes. Steven could never resist that. With a resigned sigh, he'd fulfill her demand.

But the request that always took him away from his work completely was, Baby, is my butt big in these jeans? Uh, look.

Oh, those jeans! He would sit there, taking his time, smiling and looking at her body pretending to mull over his answer, teasing her. All the while Erica would impatiently wait for his answer, holding her breath. Ultimately, he'd shake his head, letting out a hearty laugh and complimenting her stunning figure. For those moments, his focus on writing was long gone.

Despite her interruptions, he held no malice for her. Erica was an essential part of his life, and her quirks made her all the more endearing. Steven figured he’d just have to adjust his writing routine around her needs. After all, inspiration could come at any time. But a loving and considerate girlfriend like Erica, now that was something to be treasured.

Wellington 3 Publishing

Wellington 3 Publishing presents Wellington’s Short Story Collection and Wellington Best Stories Writing is truly a labor of love for us at Wellington 3 Publishing where we take great pleasure in being able to create meaningful stories and to have them published. Wellington 3 Publishing is looking forward to sharing more of our works with the world in the coming years.

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