Hey! Crack Kills!

 The Tale of the Oblivious Handyman

Once upon a rather boring Monday, within the bustling walls of Greenwood Apartments, there began an epic of all sorts—a saga centered around our unsuspecting hero, Rob the Handyman. Known for his knack for fixing things that others would rather replace, Rob was the go-to for all manner of repairs in this tightly knit community. This particular morning, Rob received a work order that seemed routine enough: Apartment 5B had reported a leaking kitchen sink.

Armed with his trusty toolbox and an aura of unwavering confidence, Rob made his way to the apartment. Upon his arrival, Mrs. Jensen, the tenant of 5B, greeted him with a blend of relief and desperation. Oh, thank heavens you're here! I thought I'd have to build an ark soon, she said, ushering him into the kitchen where the sink gurgled and spat like a miniature fountain gone rogue.

Rob assessed the situation with the eye of a seasoned professional. No worries, Mrs. Jensen. I'll have this fixed in no time, he proclaimed, diving under the sink to do battle with the unruly plumbing. Little did he know, the real spectacle was not the leak he was fixing but rather the unintentional show he was giving.

As he contorted and twisted, trying to tame the pipes, every now and then, residents of Greenwood Apartments passing by or visiting would steal a glance inside the kitchen. Each observer would chuckle or suppress a smile before delivering the day's unanimous punchline: Crack kills!

A plumber is about to bend down and fix a kitchen sink

Rob, entirely absorbed in his task, remained oblivious to these comments, attributing the amusement of his audience to the peculiar positions he adopted in his quest to stop the leak. It wasn't until Mrs. Jensen, in a mix of amusement and mild embarrassment, handed him a cup of tea after the job was well done, that the mystery unraveled.

Rob, you do a fantastic job around here, and we all appreciate you, she started, barely concealing a grin. But dear, there's a small matter I think you should attend to...

Puzzled, Rob looked down at his tool belt, thinking maybe he'd forgotten a tool somewhere or worse, made some plumbing faux pas only visible to the keen eyes of the resident.

It's... your backside, Rob. Every time you bend over, you're giving us all a bit more of a show than we bargained for, Mrs. Jensen finally blurted out, trying to keep a straight face.

It took a moment for the message to sink in, but when it did, Bob's face turned a shade of red that could give tomatoes a run for their money. Suddenly, the day's chorus of Crack kills! made sense. Embarrassed but with a good sense of humor, Rob let out a hearty laugh. Well, that's one leak I didn't plan on fixing today! he exclaimed, making Mrs. Jensen burst into laughter too.

From that day forward, Rob made sure his pants were up to the task, quite literally. And though the residents of Greenwood Apartments would occasionally reminisce about the day of the great sink repair, Rob's new nickname, Rob the Builder, Keeper of the Cracks, was uttered with fondness and a twinkle in the eye.

As for Rob, he took it all in stride, knowing well that every day was an opportunity for a new story, especially in the vibrant halls of Greendale Apartments. After all, life is too short not to laugh, even if it's at your own 'crack'!

Wellington 3 Publishing

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