No Harm No Foul


The warm afternoon air brought a wave of burnt smells to the city , slowly smothering the clear blue skies in a dense grey fog. Everywhere people coughed and winced in disgust. The source of the unwelcome stench was coming from a small rubber plant that had opened up next door to the hotel. The plant had been shredding and burning old tires and releasing little particles of thick black dust everywhere, completely overwhelming the otherwise untouched surroundings.

The owners of the hotel on the coast, which had until now provided the perfect location for travelers, had begun to notice a drop in the number of guests. Word had gotten around about the horrible stench, and people simply didn't want to deal with it. It soon became clear why - everywhere, the black dust from the plant had crept inside and stained all the white sheets, towels and other linen. Even the decorations had begun to look worn out and smudged from the thick coating of black dust.

Tires burning- No Harm No Foul

The hotel had now become the butt of jokes and its reputation in the local community had suffered irreparable damage. To stay afloat, the hotel was going to need some drastic changes and creative thinking to help its prospects and recover from this terrible blow. Something had to be done about the nearby rubber plant and its dark secrets, if this hotel had any hope of recovering its previous prosperity.

No one had asked for it, but it was too late. It was operating unchecked, and its toxic smoke was seeping through the hotel air conditioning vents, filling its rooms and hallways with a pungent, sickly smell. The owner of the hotel had tried to get the plant shut down, even going so far as to hire a team of lawyers to make it happen, but no one could prove the rubber plant was to blame for the terrible smells and rising levels of black dust that had begun to pollute the town.

Desperate and powerless, the hotel's owner resigned himself to an eternal war with the rubber plant, wondering how this beautiful and vibrant community had become so sullied and smothered. He looked out of the 3rd floor window and saw piles on top piles almost going over the 2 story barricades around the building. With a heavy heart, he prayed for justice to prevail and that this infernal smoke-filled sky would soon be gone. Do below in the picture is where all the black stuff that gets in the building a ruins everything. They said it’s not harmful but we shall see.  

Wellington 3 Publishing

Wellington 3 Publishing presents Wellington’s Short Story Collection and Wellington Best Stories Writing is truly a labor of love for us at Wellington 3 Publishing where we take great pleasure in being able to create meaningful stories and to have them published. Wellington 3 Publishing is looking forward to sharing more of our works with the world in the coming years.

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