Love Me, Ghost Me, Repeat

 It was another one of those nights. Aaron paced back and forth in his apartment, phone gripped tightly in his hand. His messages to Jessica remained unread, the little "bubbles" indicator never showed up. 

Man laying on couch, barstool sitting, laptop, Love Me, Ghost Me, Repeat

"One minute she can't get enough of me," he mumbled angrily. "The next minute, she's ghosting me over nothing or something stupid." Bipolarish 

His mind raced, trying to pinpoint where it had all gone wrong this time. Was it because he didn't answer when she called earlier? Or because he refused to send her more money? He knew Jessica liked to be treated like a queen, but her demands were becoming excessive and annoying.

"It's like she thinks she can just jerk me around however she pleases," Aaron ranted. "Block me one day, then act like nothing happened the next when she wants something."

He thought back to their last rendezvous a few nights ago. The passion, the intimacy was better than the last time. But maybe she had just been using him. Maybe she had some other guy on the side she wasn't telling him about. I might be just thinking too much. 

Aaron's mind went to a dark place. "If I'm not enough for her, I'm sure she can find some other chump to do her whatever she’s wants. Use them and dismiss them when she's done."

Aaron phone remained silent. He knew from experience that continuing to message or call would only make things worse. With a frustrated sigh, Aaron stretched out his couch, the soft cushions offering little comfort.

"Why bother even answering if she do call all it’s going be is the same thing over and over again?" he wondered aloud. Sadly, he feared he already knew the answer.​​​​​​​​​​​​​​ Then the phone rang? To be continued…….

Wellington’s 3 Publishing’s

Wellington’s 3 Publishing’s presents Wellington’s Short Story Collection and Wellington Best Stories Writing is truly a labor of love for us at Wellington’s 3 Publishing’s where we take great pleasure in being able to create meaningful stories and to have them published. Wellington’s 3 Publishing’s is looking forward to sharing more of our works with the world in the coming years.

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