The Nude, The Lewd, and the Incredibly Rude

A Hotel’s Day From Hell

Hotel with a receptionist and people walking in the lobby


JP's morning took an unexpected turn as he arrived at work. There, on the hotel's patio, was a sight that he wish he wouldn’t have seen: a completely naked man dressing up the patio table like he invited people for breakfast.

Hotel guests gathered at windows and on balconies, and some walking past him going to the dining hall with a mix of shock and amusement on their faces. Some covered their eyes, while others couldn't help but laugh at the bizarre scene unfolding before them.

Suddenly, sensing he had an audience, the naked man finished setting up his table preparation and began skipping around the hotel grounds, just letting it all hang out. Gasps and giggles followed his impromptu performance.

It wasn't long before someone called the police. As sirens approached, the nude exhibitionist made a dash for the hotel entrance. Police Officers arrived just in time to see him disappearing up the stairwell.

The chase with the naked man running up to the third floor, one officer was hot on his bare heels. In a surprising move, he leaped over the balcony to the second floor, police racing down to the second floor. Then in another attempt to escape he leaped from the second-floor to the first floor. 

His escape was cut short as he landed awkwardly, twisting his ankle causing him to crawl in his attempt to escape. The police officers, slightly winded but victorious, finally apprehended the nude troublemaker.


The excitement of the morning's nude shenanigans had barely settled when at 12:15 PM, a new crisis erupted at the hotel. On the second floor, a woman's cries for help echoed through the hallway.

"He stole my money! Help! Thief!"

Moments earlier, the woman had opened her door to a man claiming to be a state employee conducting room inspections. Believing who he said he was, she had let him in. He walked around her room and In a flash, he had snatched her phone and purse from the counter and ran out of the room.

The lady, in shock, chased after him down the hallway. Her shouts alerted other guests and staff, but the thief was quick. He darted down the stairs, taking them two at a time, while the woman's pleas for help grew more desperate.

JP, still reeling from the morning's events, heard the commotion and rushed to help. But by the time he reached the lobby, all he saw was a blur running across the parking lot.

Despite immediate calls to the police with the roll back of the cameras and a search of the area, the thief vanished without a trace. He ran into the city, leaving behind a shaken victim and a hotel staff wondering what could possibly happen next in this day of unprecedented chaos.

As the police and hotel management took statements from guests. JP couldn't help but think that this was turning into the most bizarre and eventful shift of his career. But the day was far from over.​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​


Just when JP thought the day was going to be smooth sailing after all the craziness. 4:00 PM rolled around and proved him wrong.

A barefoot swings the hotel lobby doors open man clearly agitated. Without warning, he walks towards the complimentary coffee station. In one sweeping motion, he knocked over the neat rows of coffee cups to the floor. The sugar packets that was in the container next to the coffee cups flew the air like confetti.

Before anyone could react, the man started acting like an Indian in a movie and sprinted out of the lobby, arms outstretched like wings.

Guests and staff watched in stunned silence as the man made a direct route to a parked car in front of the hotel. With no fear, he leaped onto the hood, straddling it like it was a horse.

"Giddyup!" he shouted, slapping the hood of the car.

The car alarm went off, but the man paid it no mind. He then slid off the car hood and took off running down the street bare feet slapping against the pavement. As a final act of defiance, he threw both his middle fingers high in the air, holding it up as he ran until he disappeared around a corner.

JP, who had witnessed the entire scene simply shook his head. He grabbed a broom and dustpan, making his way to the mess in the lobby. He wondered if perhaps there was something in the air or in the water today, or if a full moon had come early.

This day, which had started with a naked man setting a patio table to an imposing state official and now a barefoot, wannabe cowboy-Indian, was differently going to go down in hotel history. And with a few hours left in his shift, JP braced himself for whatever might come next.​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​

Wellington 3 Publishing

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