"The Secrets We Keep Until……" 1

The Buzzing Pill Case 

White paper with the word Secret written on it in black ink

Stacy and Junior had been neighbors for years, always affectionate but never close. Little did they know that tragedy would soon reveal their hidden lives to those they loved most.

On a sunny Tuesday, Stacy choked on a lemon head. As her parents went through her belongings, her mother stumbled upon something, "Harold! Hurry! Come see!" She had found a suitcase under the bed, when they opened it. It was filled to the top with a colorful stash some were big and small of buzzing devices. Harold fainted on the spot.

The very next day, Stacy neighbor Junior suffered a fatal cut on his tongue and couldn’t stop the bleeding from licking an envelope. His wife, Ellen, took a deep breath before she entered his man cave. 

"Oh, Junior," she said, finding a drawer stuffed with lacy women undergarments. But the real shocker came when she stumbled upon his never ending supply of Viagra stash. 

"And here I thought he needed more foreplay," Ellen mumbled, shaking her head.

At the double funeral, Stacy's parents and Ellen found themselves looking at each other. As they listened to the preacher eulogize the goodness of their dearly departed, Ellen leaned over and whispered, "I guess we never really know someone, do we?"

Stacy's mother nodded her head in acceptance. "Indeed. Though I must say, I was a little bit jealous. But ever since I found that suitcase under my daughter bed I’m not the only one that feels the buzz."

Meanwhile, on the other side of the funeral home country the As the funeral reception wound down, another bombshell dropped. Brent's wife, Amanda, was clearing out his desk when she found a crumpled check at the bottom of a drawer. Her eyes widened as she smoothed it out.

"What the hell?" saying to herself, staring at the check made out to Brent for $120,000. The messed up part was that the check was signed by her parents – who had passed away three years ago.

Amanda's mind raced. Brent had been sitting on this for years? Wondering why he never said anything about it mentioned it?  And what was the reason for her parents wrote such a large check without her knowing?

She walked into the living room, where Ellen and Stacy's parents were sharing a plate of funeral sandwiches.

"I think my dead husband was keeping secrets from me... and so were my dead parents," Amanda announced, brandishing the check.

Ellen gestured to the couch beside her. "Pull up a seat, honey. Looks like you've joined the 'my-spouse-was-a-mystery' club. Want to hear about Junior's panty collection?"

As Amanda sat on the couch, Stacy's father chimed in, "And wait till you hear about our daughter's... hobby or whatever you call it."

"Well," Amanda sighed, "I guess we're all in for some late surprises. Who wants to start a support group?"

The room filled with nervous laughter as they realized their loved ones had taken more than just their lives to the grave – they took their secrets to. 

Wellington 3 Publishing

Wellington 3 Publishing presents Wellington’s Short Story Collection and Wellington Best Stories Writing is truly a labor of love for us at Wellington 3 Publishing where we take great pleasure in being able to create meaningful stories and to have them published. Wellington 3 Publishing is looking forward to sharing more of our works with the world in the coming years.

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