No More Silent Nights 2

 The Response 


News Reporter: Good evening folks! Thanks for choosing us as your news provider. Today we are coming to live from downtown City Hall. Where the car thief has struck again this time downtown at the city council building and we are here talking to City Councilman Lewis. Councilman can you explain what happened here sir? 

Councilman Lewis: Yes ma’am a few weeks we held a town hall meeting in the northern part of the city about what has happened here today. 

News Reporter: You are referring to the cars that were broken into the night before correct? 

Councilman Lewis: Yes correct, okay during the town which the mayor came out to join. We might have said some harsh words and said they are some low life knuckleheads that need to get a job. 

I think they might have heard what we said and didn’t sit well them and they decided to strike again - this time in broad daylight here at the city council building! The audacity of this clown. That son of a……Are we live?

News Reporter: Yes sir, we are live. 

Councilman Lewis: Point that camera at me. Now you lucky this is airing live cause I have some unrepeated words for whoever you are. I tell you…….

News Reporter: Hold up, City Councilman David has stepped in with some new information. 

City Councilman David: Aww, yeah this knucklehead done messed up now! This lowlife has the nerve to leave a note behind….

Councilman Lewis: Wait a minute. What note? You been withholding evidence? The nerve of this guy. The Mayor was right about you. 

Councilman David: You and the Mayor can kiss my —-.

News Reporter: Okay guy’s we are live can we keep it PG. 

Councilman David: Yes, ma’am sorry for that outburst. But get this, he said: "I was at the town meeting a few weeks ago. The one thing that stood out the most was You asked why do I leave the doors open after breaking into people cars? Well, that’s was to show you how easy it is to do what I did because you’re too lazy to lock your car doors." Next time you might not be so lucky.  Ps. I do have a job helping  to remind you to lock your car doors. 

Oh, so now this knucklehead thinks he's a mastermind or something, as if he’s trying to teach us a lesson? Nah, knuckleheads, the only lesson that is being taught here is that you're a straight-up fool who's gonna get caught.

Councilman Lewis: Camera man over here? This is not a game boy, and this neighborhood is not your playground for you to do your dirty business. We're gonna find you, and when we do, you're gonna wish you never stepped foot in our neighborhood. 

To the citizens, stay vigilant. Keep watching out for each other, and don't let this clown think he's got the upper hand. We're gonna show him what happens when you mess with our community.

And to the thief, if you're watching this, your days are numbered. We're coming for you, and we ain't stopping until you're behind bars where you belong.

This is our city, and we're taking it back. Period.

Wellington 3 Publishing

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