Refrigerator Raider 3

Caught You By Surprise 

 The next day after lunch, it was a little bit of uneasiness throughout the office building. The chaos from yesterday still had people talking, but tension still lingered in the air. Michael, still  trying to get over yesterday events, noticing that Ted has being called into the Human Resources manager office. 


Curiosity got the better of him, and he found himself lingering near the partially open door.

Inside, he could hear the HR manager's voice, a mix of sternness and amusement.

"Ted," she began, sounding like she was trying to hold back laughter, "in all my years here, this is certainly a first. I never thought I'd have to fire an employee for stealing food from the break room fridge."

Michael's eyes widened. He didn’t expected Ted would get fired.

Human Resource Manager: Before I get an explanation from you I would for you to look at the television because we have you  on camera. Okay that’s you walking into the break room going to the refrigerator looking around before opened it. You began to open looked inside then you looked up and look around again I guess to see if anyone was looking and forgot about I’ll friend in corner who’s always watching. Then you reached in pull something out and ate it then walked out. Anything you want to add Mr. Ted?

Ted: "I... I don't know what came over me. All of sudden I got a sweet tooth and open the fridge and seen a brownie and I took a bite and the rest is his story..."

The Human Resources manager burst out laughing. 

Human Resources manager: Sorry for that outburst".  That’s when we started getting information that someone was stealing coworkers' lunches out the break room refrigerator," the HR manager explains his charges. That’s what made us to start looking at things in the break room. "This behavior is unacceptable, Ted. This is a violation of trust and company policy." I have some paper for you to sign. 

There was a pause, filled only by the sound of papers shuffling.

Human Resources manager: "Clean out your locker, Ted. Security will escort you out."

As footsteps approached the door, Michael quickly ran into a  nearby closet. The mystery was solved, the refrigerator raider thief was caught, but somehow it didn't feel like a victory. 

As he watched Ted walk past, head down, box of belongings in his arms, Michael couldn't help but wonder if there had been a better way to handle the situation.

The office filled with whispers and laughter the rest of the day, the story of coworker who was the refrigerator raider spreading quickly throughout the building. 

Michael's coworkers congratulated him for finally finding out who was behind the stealing of lunches out of the break room, but he found it hard to join in their relief. He'd wanted the lunch theft to stop, but he didn’t think he would get fired.

As he packed up to leave that evening, Michael looked back at the break room fridge and decided to enough lunch next time.​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​

Wellington 3 Publishing

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