The Nightlight Inn 4

 The Karen-pocalypse 


The next morning arrives, and with it, was the day Karen checks out. It's 9:15 AM, and you can bet that the entire hotel guest and staff couldn’t wait until the morning. They were burning sage and chanting "The wicked witch is leaving she's leaving, she's leaving" their morning break room meeting chants.

She approaches the hotel manager at the front desk who has a big smile on her face. 

Hotel manager: Good morning Karen. Here goes your refund. 

Karen: "By the way,"  "I gave you a bad review with an explanation saying this hotel is not clean, the hotel manager is unprofessional, and the staff doesn't have the experience to keep up this hotel." "Adios," you peasants she finishes. 

At this point that was music to everyone’s ears. 

As Karen finally, FINALLY, makes her grand exit, you can almost hear a collective of sigh at the same time. 

Mike comes out from wherever he's been hiding. And lo and behold, look who decided to join us. Looking all innocent. The one and only Tim! Came out of hiding to help Karen with her luggage. 

Tim: What did I miss?

The hotel manager, Mike, and the rest of the staff burst into laughter. 

As for Karen? Rumor has it she's still out there, doing the same thing going from hotel to hotel, leaving a trail of destruction with clogged toilets, and one-star reviews in her aftermath. 

And that, folks, is the end of our epic saga. Remember, be kind to hotel staff, always flush responsibly, and for the love of all humanity, never, EVER try to flush soap down your toilet!


(Until the next Karen checks in...)

Wellington 3 Publishing

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