The Last Room of the Day

 Always 1 Left Messed Up 

Maria hummed cheerfully as she pushed her cleaning cart down the hallway of the Sun Up Inn. Everything had gone perfectly today - guests leaving on time, they could do better with the tips, but "thank you" for what you did tip. With only an hour left in her shift, she had just one more room to go: 124.

Housekeeper with her mop bucket and cleaning materials

"Late checkout," it’s always one left, she mumbled to herself checking her watch. 1:45 PM. The guest had ran past her still putting his jacket on. Saying he had to get to the airport and apologizing for oversleeping. No matter - one quick clean and she'd be done for the day.

She knocked three times making sure nobody was in there. 

Maria: "Housekeeping!" Silence. Perfect.

The front room was a mess - sheets and towels all over the floor, empty mini bar bottles. Maria worked with efficiency. Her lucky cleaning day was nearly over. 

Then she opened the bathroom door.

Time seemed to slow as the guest had made a clothesline - from the shower curtain rod to the top of the bathroom door suddenly snapped. A bunch of dirty underwear - both men's and women's - felled on top of her head. Maria let out a loud scream that quickly turned into a horrified gasp as she slipped on the wet bathroom floor her arms were windmilling. Trying to brace her fall.   

In that split second, as she was falling, Maria had exactly two thoughts:

1. "Why are there so many underwear?"

2. "Please don't let me hit the-"


Her hand on the floor the other hand went directly into the unflushed toilet bowl.

Maria froze, her position a tableau of housekeeping horror - one hand in the toilet, covered in stranger's underwear, staring at the ceiling, and realizing that perhaps this wasn't her lucky day after all.

As she lay there, a single pair of boxer shorts slowly slid down her face like a closing curtain.

Maria: I don't get paid enough for this. Ugh! "I don't get paid nearly enough for this."

Then a pair of boxer shorts fell and slid and hit her in the face. 

To be continued…….

Wellington 3 Publishing

Wellington 3 Publishing presents Wellington’s Short Story Collection and Wellington Best Stories Writing is truly a labor of love for us at Wellington 3 Publishing where we take great pleasure in being able to create meaningful stories and to have them published. Wellington 3 Publishing is looking forward to sharing more of our works with the world in the coming years.


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