"No Happy Ending“


"No Happy Ending"

Suspicions Take Their Toll

 Early in the morning at the seashore hotel, a young woman walked into the first floor breakfast area making casual chitchat with another guest and she didn’t know that she found herself face-to-face with a married man. Although there were other hotel guests present, it was evident that the two were deeply engaged in flirting with one another. 

 Little did either of them know that on the third floor, the man’s wife was on her way down to join them. When she stepped off the elevator and saw the scene, her mouth dropped and anger kicked in fast. Walking fast angrily towards her man and the woman he was talking with, the wife’s anger became quickly apparent. 

“What is going on here?” the wife shouted. “You! I know who you are, young lady. You’re trying to seduce my husband!”

“No ma’am, that is not the case,” the younger woman responded, trying to remain as composed as possible. “I’m not looking for a sugar daddy, nor am I trying to steal anyone’s husband. I came here for breakfast, just like everyone else.”

 This only further fueled the wife’s anger, and in no time at all, an explosive argument had erupted between the two women. Curses flew left and right and the older woman picked up the lamp off the coffee table and swung it at the young woman. The young woman ducked out the way and in flash grabbed the older woman by the neck driving her back into wall then the hotel maintenance crew had arrived to break up the altercation. The husband, who had been quiet throughout the argument, he stood there with a blank face. All you can hear the wife saying is “ I chose you Randal”, I chose you and this how you do me yelling at Randal while he stood motionless still trying to figure out what happened. 

 The incident that occurred that morning between the two guests left the breakfast area in a state of chaos, police were called and gave both guests a ticket for disturbing the peace and were asked to leave. On that note many are not soon to forget what had happened that morning in breakfast area at the hotel. 

Wellington 3 Publishing

Wellington 3 Publishing presents Wellington’s Short Story Collection and Wellington Best Stories Writing is truly a labor of love for us at Wellington 3 Publishing where we take great pleasure in being able to create meaningful stories and to have them published. Wellington 3 Publishing is looking forward to sharing more of our works with the world in the coming years.

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