"A Desk Clerk's Desperate Climb to the Top"

"A Desk Clerk's Desperate Climb to the Top: Offering Private Escorts to High-Profile Guests"

 Molly was the overnight desk clerk at the Best West Inn and had been for the past few years. She was a master of multitasking, often able to handle a few dozen check-ins without any problems. Most nights were rather dull, the few guests that would arrive in the wee hours would often just come and go without much fanfare. 

 Little did people know that there was a side to Molly that they weren't seeing; a much more risqué one. During those late night shifts, Molly had taken on a second job of sorts; discreetly escorting certain guests, should we say high profile guests. 

 At first, Molly felt a bit nervous. She had always thought of herself as someone who followed the rules, so doing something like this felt wrong. But the extra cash that it brought was more than she had expected. With the money, she was able to upgrade the fixtures in home her son a gift he always would ask her every time she get paid. A PlayStation 5 and her son father Men’s BALENCIAGA / ADIDAS STAN SMITH SNEAKERS. He doesn’t have a clue of what’s going on he thinks it’s incerase in pay or overtime from work. Little did he know she was the making the guest experience’s better.

 The guests were often very respectful and grateful for her discretion and attention to detail. While most nights went off without a hitch, there were the occasional unruly guests. One particular man who thought that paying for a night's stay gave him free reign to do as he pleased. After one too many of his suggestive advances, Molly quickly realized she had to make a decision. 

 That night, Molly took charge and stood up to the disrespectful guest. In the end, he decided to check out, never to return. 

 From then on, Molly kept the two parts of her life separate, diligently serving her guests in her professional capacity and fulfilling their needs as an escort with discretion. While some may raise an eyebrow, she knew what she was doing was helping her make ends meet, and there wasn't anything wrong with that in her mind. To this day, she is still running the Best West Inn and taking on her occasional assignments as an escort.

Wellington 3 Publishing

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