Don’t Be So Quick

A couple break up-Don’t Be So Quick

John and Maria had been dating for six months. Everything was going great until one day Maria decided to break up with John. She told him that she felt like they didn't really know each other and that they rushed into things too quickly. 

John wasn’t really surprised just wondered how it got this far. He had a weird feeling about their relationship. He loved spending time with Maria but he knew that strong connection they had slowly was fading away. 

Maria explained that while they enjoyed each other's company, they didn't really know each other's hopes, dreams, fears, and interests. They never had any deep conversations or shared any intimate details about themselves. We jumped straight into bed and was so focused on touching each other body and we thought we was in love but we wasn’t well I wasn’t I just told you that cause the sex was so good. It was like I was high from being intimate with you. They neglected to really get to know each other on a personal level. 

John thank you cause I was feeling the same way the sex was one of kind. He realized that he didn't know what her favorite color was or what her goals were for the future. They were so busy being intimate that they forgot to ask the important questions that would have made their relationship stronger. 

In the end, John and Maria decided to end things and go their separate ways. They both learned an important lesson about the importance of getting to know someone before jumping into a serious relationship. John promised himself that he would never make that mistake again. From that moment on, he made a conscious effort to truly understand the person he was dating before getting too serious. 

Wellington 3 Publishing

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