"All or Nothing"

Wedding ring- "All or Nothing"

This wife demands that her husband keep his ring on at all times, or else their marriage is over. 

Emily had always been the trusting kind. Even when she met James, a successful lawyer with a history of cheating, she believed him when he promised to change his ways. It wasn't until years into their marriage that her trust was shattered.

Emily noticed James was acting differently, secretive with his phone and always coming home later than usual. One night, after he had come home very late, she asked to see his phone. No I don’t see the reason to give you my where’s the trust he said. Emily replied you must be hiding something.

A few hours later while James was sound asleep Emily decided to take a glance at James to see what he’s hiding. 

Emily: (talking to herself) Oh you changed the password and instead use face recognition you old ugly dog. Hold your ugly face right so I can unlock this phone. 

When Emily finally unlock his phone. Her mouth dropped to floor there were texts from other women, some flirty, some explicit, and some even hinting at meetings they had planned. Emily couldn't believe it. She felt a mix of anger, hurt, and betrayal.

Emily: Wake up you lying cheating……

James: (barely could open your eyes) what baby turn the light off. 

Emily: The hell I’m not. Who the hell are these women you texting?

James: Who told you to go through my phone?

Emily: The one who pays the bill. 

They spent hours arguing that night, but ultimately James begged for forgiveness and promised never to talk or text other women again. Emily decided to give him another chance, but not without making a few conditions of her own.

"You need to keep your wedding ring on at all times," she told him firmly. "And if I ever catch you talking to another woman again, “I’m going to Lorena Bobbitt you."

James: Lorena who? What? I don’t know who that is?

But I’ll agree to your terms, relieved to have saved their marriage. For a while, things went well. James seemed to be trying harder, and Emily started to feel hopeful that they could put this behind them.

But one day, while they were out for a walk, Emily saw James casually take his ring off and slip it into his pocket. Her heart turned cold and couldn't help but wonder what else he was hiding.

From that moment on, Emily couldn't help but feel suspicious. Why are you taking your ring off for James? You texted your little boo and told her you going for a walk with your wife?  No, I hurt my finger at work James says. Every time James took his ring off, she worried he was up to no good. Even when he promised he was just taking it off to clean it or adjust it, she couldn't shake the fear that he was cheating on her again.

The truth was, keeping his wedding ring on wasn't going to stop James from cheating if he truly wanted to. It was up to him to be faithful, not up to a piece of jewelry. Emily knew that deep down, but she couldn't help the hope that maybe, just maybe, the ring would be enough to remind him of the commitment he had made to her.

In the end, it didn't matter. James couldn't resist the temptation, and soon enough, Emily caught him cheating once again. This time, she knew she had to stick to her word. She packed her bags and left, heartbroken but determined not to be taken advantage of anymore.

So she acted like nothing happened and cooked dinner and waited for James in the favorite lingerie he likes cause she will be the last woman he ever feels.  

The next morning,

As she drove away, she couldn't help but feel a pang of sadness for the ring on James's finger, not serving any purpose at all once a cheater always a cheater. 

Wellington 3 Publishing

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