The Tail under the Bed


Raccoon-The Tail under the Bed

A few days ago, I pulled a harmless little prank on my wife using an old Daniel Boone hat. That old worn out hat, complete with its red, bushy raccoon tail was always a strange object to behold, gathering dust on the wall of my study. Suddenly, I got a hilarious idea.

I stealthily maneuvered to our bedroom and with a mischief glinting in my eyes, I decided to place the hat such that the tail was hanging out under the bed. I cleverly left it sticking out just enough to give it the appearance of a fearsome critter lurking under our peaceful bed. 

Late in the evening, my girlfriend went into the bedroom to put away some clothes. When she approached the bed, she seen something in the corner of her eye and turned around and looked down then suddenly spotted the furry intruder. Her scream echoed through the whole house as the fright propelled her to make an instant u-turn.

However, she miscalculated her surroundings for the clean escape. During her panic state and miscalculation she turned and collided headfirst into the wall, knocking the wind out of herself. She then stumbled back, almost landing on the floor. Then, despite the stinging pain from her forehead and the initial shock, she got up and ran out of the bedroom as fast as she could, leaving the room in eerie silence. The Boone hat, responsible for all the commotion, lay innocently, its bushy tail the only witness to the hilarious pandemonium it had caused.

As for me, trying my best to stifle my laughter and rushing to ensure that my dear wife hadn't hurt herself too badly, I learnt two lessons. One, never underestimate the power of an old Daniel Boone hat with a bushy raccoon tail. And two, always brace myself for some counter-prank as retribution was surely on its way from my witty wife. Despite the amusing chaos, this incident just added one more funny story to our adventurous life.

Wellington 3 Publishing

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