His secret admiration 2

Truth, Reality, Lies- His secret admiration 2


It's been exactly one year since Brenda was engulfed in an unfathomable heartache. Every single day of the last 365 days has been an unsparing battle against memories, lies, betrayal, and self-doubt. The incident is now in the past, but the bruises were still throbbing with agonizing discomfort.

This betrayal was different, unique even, a kind she could not get any relief from. It wasn't merely that her boyfriend left her for another woman. What twisted the dagger already lodged in her heart was that the other woman was none other than her best friend Sherri.

A year ago, Brenda had uncovered the affair between them accidentally when she saw an uncanny conversation between them on his phone. Initially, Brenda's reaction was one of incredulity, rapidly dissolving into sorrow, rage, and a profound sense of loss.

The heartbreaking realization was even more devastating when she later learned they had not only begun a new life together but were already parents to twin girls. 

As if to insult to her already wounded soul, the beautiful little angels had the features of the man from her past that she had been in love with, the man she thought would be the father of her children.

From then on, the ground under her seemed to sway dangerously, like earthquake undergoing seismic alterations. How could this have happened? Sherri and her ex boyfriend? When had the universe plotted this painful joke behind her back? Where had she been looking all this time?

Her disappointment with Sherri ran deep. Sherri, who had stood by her side since high school, been a part of all her laughter, shared her fears, hopes, and secrets, had crossed the sacred boundary of their friendship.

To date, Sherri hasn't contacted her, and in an odd way, Brenda was grateful. The thought of hearing her voice or looking at her face invoked emotions so violent within Brenda that she doubted her ability to retain her sanity.


As the rest of the world marked yet another passing year, Brenda saw a light at the end of the tunnel, her endurance reaped dividends.

Her struggle was paying off. Slowly but steadily, the fog of gloom and resentment was lifting. A beacon of self-worth was flickering, asserting that her self-value is not dictated by other's treacherous acts.

The experience, was unbearably painful, taught Brenda about her resilience, strength, and capacity to face the cruelest aspects of life. Above all, it showed her that it was possible to reclaim her life and piece together the shattered remains of her broken heart. It wouldn't be the same, and that's okay.

It wasn't going to be easy; the path ahead was strewn with triggers and tears. Yet Brenda was determined to not only survive this but also emerge stronger, happier, and better. As a first step, Brenda decided to say goodbye to her tragic past year, hoping the new year would help heal her wounds.

As she stepped forward, she could not help but look back at the path she had taken with a pain-filled strides. Despite the emotional turbulence, she stood her ground and shouted, I'm still standing. It's going to be okay, I'm going to be okay. And with that resolve, Brenda began her journey of healing and redemption.

Wellington 3 Publishing

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