Yes Shift Happens


Woman crying- Yes Shift Happens

Once upon a time, in the heart of a busy city, lived a couple in love; their names were Richard and Emily. Richard was a businessman, often loaded with responsibilities. Emily was a delicate soul, who always required love and attention to make her feel treasured.

On the day of valentine day, Richard surprised Emily with a proposition, that melted her heart instantly. My beautiful Emily, I'll dedicating the entire month of February to you, he said, We'll visit places, relive memories, and explore every inch of love between us. This will be your month my love. Overwhelmed with emotions, Emily agreed and awaited the days of endless love and attention.

Indeed, Richard lived up to his words. They went on exciting trips, strolled in serene parks and gardens, treated her to exquisite dinners, and remembering every bit of their time together. Their laughter echoed in every corner of the house. Emily found herself the happiest in those moments; it was indeed 'her' month.

Emily felt like a queen every single day; all his efforts and energy were focused on her. Richard would pull out her chair, make her breakfast, always had his arm around her and attentively listened to all of her problems. Every gesture was filled with intense love, every moment worth cherishing. Emily enjoyed all of the attention she was receiving, oblivious the time was fading away. 

Days passed, filled with sweetness and love until it was time for 'her' month to come to an end. It was then Richard broke it to Emily that he had to get back to his normal working schedule. Work that he had kept on the sidelines for an entire month had piled up. He reassured her of his undying love but asked for understanding and patience.

However, Emily didn't take this change well. She was mad at Richard for giving her all the attention for a whole month, only to stop it all suddenly. She was angry for getting used to all that love and attention to feeling neglected all over again. Richard was left puzzled and confused. 

The whole time I was catering to your attention needs. You never once asked about my work or anything. It’s all about you wanting all the attention, Richard said, seeing the agony in Emily's eyes. But his words could not comfort Emily, who felt neglected and was grappling with a surge of anger and hurt.

Richard learnt a valuable lesson that day. The essence of love lies in balance. Showering his lady love with an extravagant amount of attention in a short period, to show her that’s it’s not just about you then only to go back to normal routine, had set false expectations. While the man went back to his responsibilities, the lady was left craving for the all attention again.

In retrospect, he realized that while trying to sustain a balance in giving attention and handling other responsibilities wouldn’t have made Emily understand cause she was only seeing it her way. An uneven splurge of emotions had left a void difficult to fill.

This story is a lesson to all of us that relationships should not be about that one person wanting all the attention no matter if you or working to make their lives better, making sure that they grow stronger and healthier. Richard hoped that Emily could understand this in course of time, it takes the both of them in helping their love grow with a balanced mix of togetherness, understanding, space, and compromise.

Wellington 3 Publishing

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