Best Pickup Lines Today

Man taking lessons on how to pickup women

Okay, so you want to sweep a woman off her feet but also make her laugh at the same time well you came to the right place. We got you covered. You’ll be sweeping the ladies off their feet with one quick lesson. Let take a look shall we?

"I'm no photographer, but I can definitely picture us together." 

Yeah that’s how we coming. You gonna be smoother than hospital floors by the end of the lesson. Let’s go!

Check this one out a crusher:"Did the sun come out or did you just smile at me?" 

Look If she liked those lighter ones, hit her with this one but in your James Earl Jones voice: "I was wondering if you had an extra heart, because mine was just stolen." 

This for the macho confident guys: "I'm not currently an organ donor, but I'd be happy to give you my heart." 

Or just being goofy works sometimes : Here’s one but it has to be done in your Elvis voice while chewing gum:  "Are you a keyboard? Because you're just my type...and I'd enjoy tapping your keys." 

If that didn’t sweep her off her feet you not doing it right maybe this is more you: "My pencil having a hard time staying on paper, because it's pointed right at you.” 

For the smart sensitive guys: "If being beautiful was a crime, you'd be guilty as charged...and accessory to stealing my heart!"

"On a scale of 1 to 10, you're a solid Danaerys Targaryen." That’s for my Nerd buddies they need love to.

We made to the best one of them all. But this one here has to be in your Reverend Al Sharpton voice: "How was heaven when you fell from there this morning?"

The moral here is to make her laugh a little and she'll be charmed every time!​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​

 Brought to by Wellington’s 3 Publishing’s 

For comedy purposes only don’t try this at home

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