The Broken Promises 3

 It’s Not Worth It 

The tension in their household continued to escalate. Brent's resentment grew with each passing day, watching Shantell lavish attention on her phone while barely acknowledging his presence. He noticed how quickly she'd respond to messages, her face lighting up in a way it no longer did for him.

Man punching wall

One evening, after another day of hard work, Brent overheard Shantell giggling on the phone in the bedroom. Something inside him snapped. He walked stormed into the bathroom mix of anger, hurt, and betrayal.

In a split second, Brent's punches the bathroom door leaving a jagged hole. The sudden violence shocked everyone into complete silence.

Shantell rushed to the bathroom her eyes wide with fear. Instead of showing concern for Brent's obvious pain, she talked about his outburst, twisting the situation to make him appear unstable and dangerous.

Brent stood there, his hand bleeding, feeling more alone than ever. All he had ever done was love her, support her, and care for their family. Yet here he was, painted as the villain in his own home.

As Shantell continued her tirade, Brent's mind drifted to all the sacrifices he'd made, all the love he'd given, only to be repaid with deception and emotional manipulation. It was just to overwhelming for him.

The aftermath of Brent's outburst marked a turning point in their relationship. Unable to bridge the gap of distrust and resentment, Brent and Shantell went into a formal coexistence. They began living separate lives under the same roof, referring to each other as "roommates who happen to have kids together."

Brent moved into the spare room, his belongings is a reminder of their fractured relationship. Nights went by in silence, with only the occasional sounds of their children to break the tension.

Intimacy became a distant memory. Brent, despite his much he wanted it, never pushed the issue. A year went by without so much as a tender touch between them. They functioned as a unit only for the sake of their children, their interactions limited to necessary communication about schedules and responsibilities.

Six months later, the cookie finally crumbled. In a surprisingly calm conversation, Brent and Shantell acknowledged what they had both known for a long time - their relationship was over.

As Brent packed his things to move out, he felt like he could breathe again. The worrying of suspicion and betrayal lifted from his shoulders. He was free from the constant anxiety and pain that had become his daily companion.

Shantell, for her part, seemed a bit relieved. Without the commitment to Brent, she could continue to mess around with her ex boyfriend and openly pursue her desires without the weight of guilt.

As Brent closed the door on that chapter of his life, he felt a mix of sadness for not being around the kids everyday and time that was lost spending it with a disloyal person. He was determined to focus on being the best father he could be, and one day eventually he will find someone who would value his love and dedication and most of all Loyalty.

To be continued...​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​

Wellington 3 Publishing

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