The Cost Of Workplace Passion’s

 The Insecure Ones 

The Martin Hotel lobby was looking like a cool spot to be inside from the July heat as Brenda, the front desk clerk was eyeing Leon suspiciously. The houseman had been acting strange all morning, constantly checking his phone and smirking.

Man and woman argue

"I know he better not be texting another woman?" Brenda mumbled, her own guilt gnawing at her. She'd been texting her boyfriend on the side as well.

During his break, Leon sat his phone on the table unattended and went to the restroom. Brenda walked in the break room and saw Leon phone on the table with Leon nowhere in sight. She picked up his phone and started swiping through his messages. Her eyes widened at a text from his girlfriend: "Are you coming to see me today!"

Meanwhile, Leon had snuck behind the front desk and grabbed Brenda phone and started scrolling through her messages. His face reddened and eyes widened as he read her texts.

Their eyes met across the lobby. "You lier!" Leon yelled, walking towards her.

Brenda grabbed a nearby chair, swinging it wildly. Guests gasped as Leon ducked, the chair smashing into a potted plant.

"You had no right!" Brenda yelled, chasing Leon out to the parking lot. She snatched his broom, hitting him repeatedly.

"Stop! Someone get this crazy woman!" Leon shouted, dodging blows as stunned guests looked on.

To be continued...​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​

Wellington 3 Publishing

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