“For You Rear-View Hater’s” 2

 Not Today Clowns 

And don't even get me started on those fake friends who try to hold past favors over your head. You know the type - "Remember when you had nowhere to stay and I let you crash at my place?" Like, yeah, I remember and I thank you for that.

Whine the Pooh hanging from a rear view mirror

 I also remember paying you back and showing gratitude. But now you wanna use that against me? As if that one act of kindness gives you a lifetime pass to manipulate me?

Nah, miss me with that bull…. If you helped me out and you expecting something in return forever, then it wasn't really help - it was a transaction. And I don't owe you shit now, especially not towards my success.

These people, they can't stand to see you doing better than them. They want to keep you down, keep you feeling indebted. It's all about control. They're not happy for your progress; they're threatened by it.

My advice? Stay far away from those kinds of people. They're not friends; they're haters. They're so busy being jealous of your come up that they can't even appreciate their own lives. 

Real ones celebrate your wins without trying to take credit for them. They don't need to constantly remind you of the times you were struggling. They're happy to see you thriving.

So to anyone trying to guilt-trip me with past favors: Thank you for what you did back then, but if you can't be genuinely happy for me now, then keep that same energy and stay in my past where you belong. I'm moving forward, with or without you.​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​

Wellington 3 Publishing

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