Love On The Ledge 2

 No Hanging Around Here 

Jake put his phone in his pockets after calling 911. "Help's on the way," he shouted up to the dangling man. "Try to hold on!"

Man hanging from the ledge with a green book sack on his back.

The commotion had started to draw attention. Curious guests poked their heads out of nearby rooms, smartphones ready to capture the unfolding drama.

Suddenly, the second floor balcony sliding door opened. A young woman with bright pink hair stormed onto the balcony, her eyes widening at the sight below.

"Kevin?! What the hell are you doing?" she asked.

The man, presumably Kevin, turned his head to look up. "Brandi! I knew you were here! Who's in there with you?"

Before Brandi could answer, a muscular guy appeared behind her, looking confused. "Babe, what's going on?"

Kevin's face immediately turned red with rage. He started swinging, trying to pull himself up onto the balcony. "I knew it! You lying-"

His tirade was cut short as his grip slipped. Kevin plummeted, landing on his back with a splash in the hotel's decorative koi pond.

As sirens sounded in the distance. Jake shook his head, realizing his day was far from over. Between the police report, the damaged koi, and the inevitable fight brewing upstairs, he was in for a long shift.

"I don't get paid enough for this," Jake said out loud, pulling out some incident report forms from his back pocket. Just another day in the life of a maintenance man at the Ambassador Inn.​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​

Wellington 3 Publishing

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