“Regret, Refresh, Repeat”

Man looking at him with a funny look on his face

 The Comment Section Crush 

Bruce stared at his phone, scrolling through Breanna's social media page for the third time that day. He couldn't help himself - every time she posted a new picture, he was mesmerized.

Breanna was beautiful. She had long dark hair with brown eyes, and perfect smile. Bruce felt drawn to her, like he had to see her face, even if it was on social media.

He was hesitated for a moment, then he would comment under her latest post: "Truly beautiful, as always with the heart eyes emoji".  He pressed send, his heart pounding. Wondering if she would see it? Or even care?

Bruce knew it was a bit pathetic, admiring this woman he'd only met once in the neighborhood store. But he couldn't help the way he felt. There was just something about Breanna that took a hold on him.

He sighed and locked his phone, trying to focus on the work in front of him. But his mind kept wandering back to her. Wondering what she was doing right now? Was she thinking about him, too?

Bruce knew it was unlikely. He was just one of thousands of faceless admirers that’s in her comments section. But he couldn't help but dream. Maybe one day, he'd get the courage to call her and try to connect with her. 

For now, Bruce would continue to watch from afar, cherishing every glimpse he got of the beautiful Breanna. Even if she never knew the feelings he had for her, at least he could appreciate her beauty from a distance.​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​

To Be Continued…….

Wellington 3 Publishing

Wellington 3 Publishing presents Wellington’s Short Story Collection and Wellington Best Stories Writing is truly a labor of love for us at Wellington 3 Publishing where we take great pleasure in being able to create meaningful stories and to have them published. Wellington 3 Publishing is looking forward to sharing more of our works with the world in the coming years.

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