No Mirrors Please
Let start with these weak-minded individuals who call themselves "family" and "friends" or whatever – you know exactly the ones I'm talking about. The ones who see you doing big things to better yourself and immediately try to turn your light off because your success makes them uncomfortable with their own lack of inspiration.
These the same people who hit you up with the "Hey cousin, what’s up how you been doing?" text when they hear you got that promotion or whatever you doing is thriving, but wasn’t around when you were grinding day and night to make it happen. Always got their hand out talking about "Can I borrow a few dollars until I get paid". Then when it’s time to pay you back it’s like where’s Waldo like you was there personal ATM machine at that time.
And don't get me started on how they would try to sabotage your growth. The minute you say you thinking about starting your own business or going back to school anything to be great, they got a million reasons why it won't work. "That's too risky," "You ain't ready for that," "Why you want to do that I don’t know bout that? Or you trying to be better than everybody else?" Man, shut up! The only thing you ready for is pulling others down into your little pond of disappointment.
You can see right through these energy vampires – the ones who stay playing victim while they plotting on your downfall. The ones who don’t brush their teeth in the morning cause they can’t face themselves in the mirror cause they would see that snake looking back. They to busy worried about everybody else's moves are cause they ain't made none of their own.
These the type to post "family over everything" on social media but be the first ones spreading rumors at the family cookout. Acting like your success is somehow taking something away from them. News flash: me winning don't mean you losing, unless your whole identity is built on being better than me while doing absolutely nothing to improve yourself.
And the audacity of these people to acting hurt when you start creating a better life for yourself! Like you supposed to keep letting them take advantage just cause y'all share some DNA or went to high school together. Nah, I'm good on that. Blood might be thicker than water, but so is honey, and don’t let these none working bitter bees steal your greatness no more.
To the real ones who congratulate their people's success, who push their friends toward greatness instead of mediocrity, who understand that success is not a limited resource and can be contagious – y'all the true family. The rest of these low-vibration vultures can keep watching from the sidelines while we elevate.
To all you haters in disguised. We see you. The mirror might be your enemy, but my success gonna be your daily reminder that you chose to stay stuck in the position you in while others chose to level up. Keep that fake love, I'm good over here like a boss while y'all stay like a lemon. Bitter.
Remember this: misery loves company, but excellence attracts excellence. Stop letting these bottom-feeders convince you that staying down with them is loyalty. Real loyalty is wanting to see your people win, period. The rest is just a hater wearing a mask.