Sasha walked into "Tech Are Us," the bright electronics store that had just opened downtown. Her golden colored hair swung from side to side as she confidently approached the salesman who stood beside this spectacular display.
"I want that TV," she said, pointing to a shiny rectangular device on the shelf.
The salesman, a middle-aged man with a name tag reading 'Greg,' shook his head and replied with a straight face, "No, we don't sell to people with gold hair."
Sasha's jaw dropped. You are joking right? Discrimination based on hair color? She stormed out, furious but determined.
The next day, Sasha returned with her hair dyed brown. She wore different clothes and even put on glasses to look professional as her disguise. She approached Greg again.
"I'll take that TV," she said, trying to disguise her voice slightly.
Greg looked at her for a moment, then shook his head again. "No, we don't sell to people with gold hair."
Sasha stormed out the store again, completely baffled. How could he possibly know? This time, she went to a stylist and got her hair dyed jet black. She even practiced an accent and borrowed her friend's jacket.
When she entered the store for the third time, she avoided eye contact with Greg until she was standing right in front of the device.
"I want that TV," she said confidently.
Greg sighed and replied, "No, we don't sell to people with gold hair."
Finally, Sasha threw her hands up in disgust. "That's it! How the hell did you know I was golden hair person?!" she demanded.
Greg pointed to the device she had been asking for all along and said simply, "Because the television you want is a microwave."
Sasha stood frozen for a moment, then burst out laughing. All this time, she'd been asking to buy a microwave thinking it was a television. Greg joined in the laughter, and finally led her to the actual TV section, where he helped her find the perfect television to take home.
"For the record," he said as he rang up her purchase, "we sell to all hair color but it’s just something about them people with golden hair."