Cash It and Bag It Or…….. 5 min. Pt. 3

Just One Open 

Woman pushing grocery basket I the store

 Oh, you've got to be kidding me! This nightmare just keeps getting worse. You wouldn’t believe theirs only one checkout line open? ONE? UNO? In this make the rules as we go grocery store? It's like they're purposely trying to lose customers now that’s insane!

Where the hell are all the other workers? Did they go to lunch already and forget there’s on one register open and the customers in that line are suffering? Are they hiding in the break room, leaving you to deal with this misery? Or maybe they saw this lady coming and decided to take a early group lunch break. Smart move.

And of course, the self-checkouts are down. Why wouldn't they be? It's the perfect cherry on top of this disaster sundae. With two technicians working on them, huh? Well, they are looking comfortable at the moment. 

You know what? They should've just closed up shop for the day. Hang a sign on the door: "Closed due to complete breakdown of society and basic grocery store etiquette." At least then we could all went to another grocery store until they get it together. 

But no, here we are, stuck at a standstill with only one register open. One line, one cashier, one lady redefining the very concept of shopping, and a store full of people slowly losing their grip on sanity. 

This isn't a grocery store anymore. It's grocery shopping gone horribly wrong. We waiting on the cameras to pop out and someone to tell us we're on some stupid new reality show: "Extreme Checkout: How long will the customer in the checkout line put up with this ridiculousness?"

Seriously, if I make it out of here without losing my mind or turning into a human volcano that about to erupt, I deserve a medal. Or at least a lifetime supply of some of that organic orange juice they must be drinking in the manager's office to let this madness continue.​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​

Wellington 3 Publishing

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