Guess What…. I Want You

 Only If You Knew 


Roy's fingers typing on the office keyboard, frozen mid-sentence as a familiar voice drifted across the office. Shannon. His heart started beating fast as her lilting laughter drew closer. 

It hadn't always been this way. Roy was a laidback easy going man with a quick response to any situation and could strike up a conversation with woman. But Shannon was different. From the moment she'd started working with him about nine months ago, but it was something about her. She had hypnotizing brown eyes and a beautiful smile had him in a daze like he was hypnotized. 

As Shannon's footsteps approached the lobby counter Roy's mind started going blank. Just say hello, ask her how was her weekend. Comment on the weather. Anything. He said to himself. 

But as she got closer, flashing that beautiful smile, everything he thought of to say to her he just froze and nodded his head. While she walked passed him talking about the upcoming project deadline.

Later, Roy was sitting alone in his thoughts. This couldn't go on. He pictured Shannon's face with her beautiful smile, remembering how she'd had surprised him with lunch one day. She was also funny, smart, and undeniably beautiful  could she be……. 

Roy closed his eyes, imagining himself stepping out of that shyness he all of sudden developed. He visualized looking Shannon in her eyes, smiling, and telling her what’s on his mind. No baby steps, he told himself. Tomorrow, he'd start with "Good morning." 

Roy made it home and sat on his couch, his mind drifting back to Shannon. He couldn't help but replay their brief interaction, focusing on her beautiful smile and her thick curves to complete a perfect figure. With her warm presence that seemed to linger even now.

He didn’t want to starting thinking that she might be out of his league, he quickly pushed that notion aside. Roy knew comparing himself to others or putting Shannon on a pedestal wouldn't help. Still, he couldn't shake that it was something special about her.

Roy had imagined himself in  a future setting where he'd overcome his shyness. He pictured them laughing together over lunch, sharing inside jokes about work, and maybe even going on a date. The thought of both was thrilling that gave him chills. 

He realized that seeing Shannon as someone he could actually connect with, rather than just admire from afar.

As the sun went down, Roy's thoughts went from confidence to questioning every thought. He knew he to move forward to see where things might lead.​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​

Wellington 3 Publishing

Wellington 3 Publishing presents Wellington’s Short Story Collection and Wellington Best Stories Writing is truly a labor of love for us at Wellington 3 Publishing where we take great pleasure in being able to create meaningful stories and to have them published. Wellington 3 Publishing is looking forward to sharing more of our works with the world in the coming years.


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