Observer To Storyteller

 My Step-by-Step Guide to Writing 

Work hard stay positive written in blue with a yellow background

1:  Observe Everything 

Some of life best stories come from what’s was happening right around you every single day. That made me start noticing:

A. The reaction of early morning commuters on their way to and from work. With untold struggles and dreams. 

B. The interactions between strangers on busy streets. 

C. The moments of kindness that often go unnoticed. 

D. The raw emotions displayed in certain  moments. 

2: Identifying Your Story Sources

Discovering powerful narratives that come from daily experiences in your daily life. For me it was:

A. Street Life: The drama of living in constant violence, to being a victim of that violence and them homeless conversations. 

B. Workplace Stories: The good, the bad and the ugly side of working for startup companies to fortune 500 companies. 

C. Religion: False Prophets and spiritual journeys. 

D. Motivational: Applying past experiences and turning them into inspiring stories of Personal, Professional and Spiritual Growth. (PPS)

3: Always Be Prepared

An Idea can strike at any given time. Trying to go back and remember something from earlier in the day isn’t always easy. I wrote down some easy steps to keep me on point and posted those steps where I can always see them. 

A. Keep a small notepad and pen or pencil with you at all times. 

B. Use your phone's notes app for quick captures. 

C. Don't trust your memory – write it down immediately. 

D. Write the date on your notes you write down for future reference. 

E. Include small details that caught your attention in case you forget or get stuck at some point. 

4: Create a Collection System

Organization becomes crucial as your story ideas multiply:

A. Maintain separate sections for different types of stories. 

B. Use categories that make sense to you (e.g., street life, workplace drama). 

C. Review your notes regularly for patterns and connections. 

D. Highlight the most important ideas for top priority writing. 

5: Develop Writing Routines

Turn your experiences into actual stories:

A. Set aside specific times for writing. 

B. Use lunch breaks for quick writing sessions. 

C. Keep your pen and paper ready during meetings in case something comes to mind. 

D. Turn your commute time into a brainstorming sessions. 

E. Don't wait for perfect conditions to write. (Cause sometimes for it’s rarely perfect). 

Step 6: Expand Your Perspective

Broaden your story sources:

A. Talk to people from different backgrounds. 

B. Visit new neighborhoods and locations. 

C. Attend diverse community events. 

D. Listen to conversations while out in public. 

E. Observe people's body language. 

7: Authenticity

Stay true to the stories you observe:

A. Respect the dignity of your subjects. 

B. Avoid trying to spicing up your story or exaggerating. 

C. Showcase the rawness of real-life moments. 

D. Balance creativity with truth. 

8: Keep Growing as a Writer

Never stop developing your craft:

A. Be Consistent. 

B. Read widely across genres. 

C. Pay attention to people's reactions to your stories. 

D. Join writing communities. Share your work and get feedback. 

E. Experiment with different writing styles. 

Remember, everyone has a story to share, every place holds countless narratives, and every moment has the potential to become something meaningful on paper. Your job as a writer is to capture these moments and give them the voice they deserve.


The one thing about this journey is that it never ends. There will always be new stories to discover, and new ways writers like to write and tell their stories. Remember to keep your notepad ready, your mind open, and your pen ready to dance across the page whenever  those ideas unexpectedly strikes.

Wellington 3 Publishing

Wellington 3 Publishing presents Wellington’s Short Story Collection and Wellington Best Stories Writing is truly a labor of love for us at Wellington 3 Publishing where we take great pleasure in being able to create meaningful stories and to have them published. Wellington 3 Publishing is looking forward to sharing more of our works with the world in the coming years.

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