Never Argue With A Woman


Man and woman arguing-Never Argue With A Woman

Sammy and Emma had been together for five years, but the magic of the early years had slowly dwindled away into meaningless arguments and quietness. They'd met in college, both filled with ambitious dreams and enthusiasm for their futures. At the start, their relationship was an endless exchange of ideas, smiles, and mutual admiration. But things started to changed their love stretched thin like a piece of chewing gum held at two ends.

As they sat at the dining table one a shiny afternoon, it seemed like they were at the very brink of breaking up. Their silence screamed louder than any argument they'd ever had. Sammy could feel a massive fight boiling within Emma, but he remembered his dad's words vividly, Son, never argue with a woman when she's mad, it's not worth it. His dad had shared these words of wisdom over many father-son fishing trips and had become a guiding light for Sammy in dealing with heated moments.

He decided to give Emma her space, giving her the quiet understanding that he was here to listen when she was ready to talk. 

I'm just tired, Sammy, Emma finally said after what felt like an eternity. Her voice was a broken whisper, Tired of feeling unappreciated, ignored and unheard...

His instinct was to go on the defensive, but his dad's advice echoed in his mind, overpowering his impulse to counter her accusations. He kept quiet.

I'm here, Emma. Talk to me, please. Don't keep it bottled up. Sammy finally found his voice, filled with a soothing calm he himself didn't feel.

In the hours that followed, Emma shared her feelings, her fears, her disillusionment with their relationship, each word like a sting. But he sat there quietly, taking it all in. There was no interruption, no interjections, just his quiet presence. He acknowledged her words with a simple head jester, for understanding, if not agreement. 

That night, the distance between them lessened just a bit. There was still frustration between them, and their future was uncertain. But Sammy had taken a crucial step to halt their imminent breakup, holding his tongue and letting Emma pour her heart out. For the first time in a long time, she felt heard.

This was the first night that they had serious conversations. Their journey to getting back together wasn't easy, but from that night and onwards, they chose to face their issues rather than drown in the bitterness of arguments. With every sunrise, their relationship became stronger, built on newfound understanding and respect.

Sam often thanked his dad's wise advice, it saved not only their relationship but helped him become a better man and a good listener. He realised that sometimes it’s not about fussing and arguing all the time but understanding and healing the person you love. His story is a simple testament to the age-old saying that love requires patience, communication, and most importantly, you have to mean it. Plus the ability to hold one's tongue when necessary.

Wellington 3 Publishing

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