Money Down, Hood Up


Mechanic Bob- Under the Hood

Mechanic Bob Franklin was an intriguing man in the quiet little town of Big Creek. Though he proclaimed himself a mechanic, he neither had a car of his own nor any record of successful car repairs. His main goal was to get jobs and would have the parts already either if they are good or not and prefer to get half the money upfront was one of the ways he has gotten over on people he worked for. 

All just to please his money hungry girlfriend. If he gets a call for a mechanic job and doesn’t have a ride. You would often see him flagging down vehicles on the roadside to hitch a ride, with a big bag of tools over his shoulder, his hands permanently smudged with motor oil and his smile never fading, the one feature that softened the hearts of onlookers.

Mechanic Bob, as he was affectionately known in the neighborhood, he wasn't your ordinary vehicle mechanic. His workplace was anywhere but an actual auto shop. Many believed his title mechanic to be a little false rather than a result of any skill or talent. In the minds of most of the Big Creek community, his work always fell under 'eccentric’ and less 'useful'. But his sincere commitment to his persona and unabashed antics intrigued them enough to tolerate and often help him.

There was the time Bob was spotted a couple of towns over, with his buddy Royce on his way to the auto parts store- to 'fix' someone’s luxury car. Yet he came back hours later from the auto parts store with the wrong part for the luxury car he working on. There were talks, smiles, and beers passed around, but the luxury car remained unrepaired. 

Mechanic Bob: (talking to his buddy) Hey man I think I may have brought the wrong part for this car. 

Royce: It won’t be the first time. Pass me a cold one. 

Vehicle owner: Excuse me Mr. Bob or you drinking on the job?

Mechanic Bob: No ma’am that’s my buddy Royce.  I can save you some money I have a starter at my shop in perfect condition for $85. 

Vehicle Owner: Yes sir if it’s going to save me money. But I’m not paying for a broken starter. 

Mechanic Bob: Oh no, ma’am I’m not that kind of mechanic. 

Vehicle Owner: Ok, I’m going to take your word for it.  

As the luxury vehicle’s owner seemed disappointed, Bob spent the afternoon mostly confused over the expensive car engine, Mechanic Bob started calling friends to ask them questions about the vehicle he was trying to fix and even taking out his Microsoft tablet searching Google and YouTube to solve his problem, without much actual 'repair' happening. It wasn't surprising then, that Mechanic Bob was quite the topic for conversations over the fire pit or in the local auto parts store.

Harsh comments would follow him wherever he went, Ever heard of car mechanic that doesn’t have a vehicle? Yeah that guy. I wonder if he ever got a car started? Despite the remarks, the man carried on his act with charming delight. He didn’t appear upset or discouraged when he didn't fix a vehicle; his approach was always more about the learning and discovery.

Vehicle owner: How’s everything going?

Mechanic Bob: Yes, ma’am I pulled the old starter off and installed the one I had and I’m trying figure out why it’s not starting. 

Vehicle Owner: Well, I thought you said it was the starter. 

Mechanic Bob: Yes ma’am that’s why it doesn’t crank up. I might have to hook up the battery booster cables to the battery. 

Vehicle Owner: That’s a brand new battery. 

Mechanic Bob: Aww, yes ma’am brand new. 

Vehicle Owner: Yes sir, I brought that battery this morning. Where’s the receipt!

Mechanic Bob: Ok, I’m going to go and check my other toolbox at home for this tool I need. I asked my buddy at the car dealership up the road if he could come by and take a look at it with me. 

Vehicle Owner:  How long are you going to be Bob?

Mechanic Bob: Bout a hour?

Vehicle Owner: Okay I’m trusting you are coming back. See you in hour. 

Hour’s has passed Mechanic Bob was a no show. The vehicle owner called and texted several times no answer each time. 

Was Mechanic Bob really a mechanic? Well, his working style was more curious onlooker than seasoned expert, but it was his obvious joy in engaging with machines that got him his endearing nickname. Maybe one day he would shock the whole of community by actually fixing a vehicle successfully. Until then, the amiable Mechanic Bob continued his passionate pretense, providing a service that would keep your vehicle parked until you get a licensed mechanic that knows what he’s doing, whatever you do do not hire Mechanic Bob of Big Creek.

Wellington’s 3 Publishing’s

Wellington’s 3 Publishing’s presents Wellington’s Short Story Collection and Wellington Best Stories Writing is truly a labor of love for me and I take great pleasure in being able to create meaningful stories and to have them published. I look forward to sharing more of my work with the world in the coming years.

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