John felt betrayed, deceived, disrespected caused he knew it wasn’t going to work in the beginning. His girlfriend had been deceiving him and seeing another man. But rather than let his hurt overwhelm him, John stayed focused on how he was going to make her pay for what she'd done. 

The patience that John demonstrated in the situation was nothing short of remarkable. He was taking his time and letting things go as usual until the exact right moment. The wait was hard, but it would all be worth it when he get to see the look on her face.

Finally, when the time was right, John called her out on her behavior. She was embarrassed and appalled to learn that John had known about her lies for so long and hadn't said anything. John felt good in that moment, getting the sweet satisfaction of payback. His actions had made her understand what a huge mistake she had made, and it felt great to know that he was 


John had the last laugh and finally regained his sense of respect. It felt good to know that he'd been strong enough to wait and seek revenge, rather than simply fall into a victim role. He would never forget the experience, and he vowed to always remember the power of being patient and not hooking up with toxic people. John came up with a few tips on what to lookout for when having a cheating spouse:

Signs your Spouse May Be Cheating: 

1. Your spouse has been more secretive and distant, preferring to spend more time away from home. 

2. Your spouse has suddenly become more attentive to their appearance and overall hygiene. 

3. Your spouse has been coming home late or disappearing for long periods of time without explanation. 

4. Your spouse is deleting their call and message history, or seems more intent on hiding their digital footprints. 

5. Your spouse has been behaving strangely or differently than their usual self. 

6. Your spouse has been paying extra attention to someone else in your circle of family and friends. 

7. Your spouse has developed a newfound interest in certain activities and hobbies. 

8. Your spouse has taken to treating you coldly, neglecting or disregarding your feelings. 

9. Your spouse is frequently and excessively picking fights with you or turning the conversation around. 

10. Your spouse is talking more about a person you don’t know, refusing to reveal much about them. 


Wellington’s 3 Publishing’s

Wellington’s 3 Publishing’s presents Wellington’s Short Story Collection and Wellington Best Stories Writing is truly a labor of love for us at Wellington’s 3 Publishing’s where we take great pleasure in being able to create meaningful stories and to have them published. Wellington’s 3 Publishing’s is looking forward to sharing more of our works with the world in the coming years.

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