What Father’s Mean To Us


Happy-Father’s-Day, What Father’s Mean To Us

Since childhood, the role of a father has been one of love, strength, and support in my life. Our fathers are our first heroes, our biggest cheerleaders, and our lifelong role models. Our fathers pushes us to dream bigger work hard and be a leader not a follower. They also are guardians, providers, teachers, mentors, friends all rolled up in one. They represent a true presence that shapes who we become as people.

Here at Wellington’s 3 Publishing’s we know that every father is unique, but there are certain attributes that makes fatherhood we've all come to know and cherish. Here are a few attributes:

The Worldly Wisdom Dispenser

Dads have a way of dropping some of that hard-earned wisdom, usually when you least expect it but in need of it most. Their life experiences make them knowledgeable and their guidance is priceless.

The Twenty Four Seven Handyman

Dads that love to build, or repair around the house? Leaky faucet, drywall crack, faulty electrical outlet - a father's handyman abilities are like a superpower.

The Best Grill Master in the city 

Give a dad a backyard with the grill and some meats with the ice cooler filled with beer and sodas with a radio. You know you about to eat good and have fun. 

The Original Google Search Engine and YouTube "Fix-It" Consultant

Before Google had all the answers, and YouTube showed you how to fix things. There were dads. How many dads had all kind of random tips to fix anything like bikes, cars, and especially appliances and telling you to bend your knees when picking up on heavy objects type of dads. 

The Advice Giver

Speaking of advice, dads always have plenty to dish out, whether you asked for it or not. But their insights are just wanting the best for you.

The Outdoors Dad 

The dads that loves to take the family out on a camping trip or fishing trip. Where he teaches you how to put the worm on the hook.

The Lawn Care Dad 

Where does your dad rank? There are levels to this Lawn Care and you know dad’s take this seriously. 

The Never Gets Old Dad

Where does your dad rank in this category? How many think they younger than his kids. 


Our fathers, with all their strengths, and unconditional love, are irreplaceable. So take a moment today to give the one person that brought you into existence and wish him a HAPPY FATHER’S DAY!

Wellington’s 3 Publishing’s

Wellington’s 3 Publishing’s presents Wellington’s Short Story Collection and Wellington Best Stories Writing is truly a labor of love for us at Wellington’s 3 Publishing’s where we take great pleasure in being able to create meaningful stories and to have them published. Wellington’s 3 Publishing’s is looking forward to sharing more of our works with the world in the coming years.

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